Catalogo Sf, Fantasy e Horror, a cura di Ernesto VEGETTI, Pino COTTOGNI ed Ermes BERTONI (Indice Titoli Originali)
Aggiornato al 28/06/2009
- C. Bomb
- Cabal // Clive BARKER
- Cabal
- Cabal // Clive BARKER
- The Cabalist
- El caballero inexistente
- El caballo alado
- El caballo del mar
- El caballo del mar
- Los Caballos de Abdera
- Cabin Boy
- A Cabin on the Coast
- Cabinet Meeting
- The Cabinet of Curiosity
- The Cabinet of Curiosity
- The Cabinet of Oliver Naylor
- Cable
- Cache From Outer Space
- Cactus Dance
- Un Cadavre en l'an 2000
- Cadbury, the Beaver Who Lacked
- Un cadeau pour Makra
- Las cadenas de Eymerich
- La Cafetière
- The Cage
- The Cage
- A Cage for Death
- Cage of Brass
- The Cage of Sand
- Le Caillou mort d'amour
- Cain Rose Up
- The Cairene Purse
- The Cairn on the Headland
- Cairo Jim Ascent into Asgard
- Cajun Providence
- Cal
- El calamar opta per su tinta
- Calculated Risk
- Calculating God
- The Calcutta Chromosome
- Caliban
- Caliban
- Caliban Landing
- California Gothic
- Calintane Explains
- The Call
- The Call
- The Call and Other Stories // Robert WESTALL
- Call from a Distant Shore
- The Call from Beyond
- Call Him Dead
- Call Him Lord
- The Call in the Dawn
- The Call in the Night
- Call Me Adam
- Call Me Dumbo
- Call Me Ishtar
- Call Me Joe
- Call Me Nick
- The Call of Cthulhu
- The Call of the Stars
- The Call of the Sword
- The Call of Wings
- Call the Wild Horses
- A Call to Arms
- A Call to Quit
- Callahan's Crosstime Saloon // Spider ROBINSON
- The Call-girls
- The Calling
- Calling All Monsters
- Calling All Stars
- Calling Dr. Clockwork
- Calling Mexico
- The Callistan Menace
- Der Callisto-Zwischenfall
- The Calusari
- Le Calvaire sanglant/Fin d'aventure
- Camao
- El cambio
- El cambio
- The Camelot Chronicles[: Heroic Adventures from the Time of King Arthur] // Mike ASHLEY (a cura di)
- Camels and Dromedaries, Clem
- The Camel's Nose
- Camera Obscura
- Camilla
- Camouflage
- Camouflage
- Camouflage
- Camp Concentration
- Le Camp des Saints
- Camp Fear
- The Camp of the Dog
- Campion
- Camposanto
- Camps
- A Can of Paint
- A Can of Worms
- Can Such Beauty Be?
- Can Such Things Be? // Ambrose BIERCE
- Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?
- Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?, and Other Stories // Robert SHECKLEY
- The Canal
- Canary Land
- Canavan's Back Yard
- El cancerbero
- El cancerbero
- Canción Autentica de Old Earth
- La canción de guerra
- Cancroregina
- Candide
- The Candle in the Wind
- The Candle Lighter
- Candles
- Candy Man
- Candyman
- Canis sapiens
- The Cannibal Wall
- Canon Alberick's Scrap Book
- Le Canon du sommeil
- Can't Slow Down for Fear I'll Die
- Cantares
- Cantata 140
- The Canterbury Path
- The Canterbury Pilgrims
- The Canterville Ghost[ A Hylo-Idealistic Romance]
- Canticle
- A Canticle for Leibowitz
- A Canticle for Leibowitz // Walter jr. MILLER
- A Canticle for Leibowitz
- A Canticle for Leibowitz // Walter jr. MILLER
- Cantor's War
- Canyon of Whyspers
- La capa
- A Capella
- Un Capitaine de quinze ans
- Le capitaine Disraeli
- A Capital Cat Crime
- Capra's Keyhole
- Les Caprices et le malheurs du Calife Vathek
- Capricorn One
- [Capt. Jat.] The Island of the Ud
- Captain Ashe's Daughter
- Captain Bedlam
- Captain Murderer and the Ghost's Bargain
- Captain Nemo's Last Adventure
- Captain of Souls
- The Captain of the 'Polestar'
- Captain Simon Wheeler's Visit to Heaven
- Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven
- Captain Wyxtpthll's Flying Saucer
- The Captain's Getaway
- The Captain's Analysis
- Captain's Blood
- Captain's Blood
- Captain's Blood
- The Captain's Daughter
- Captain's Glory
- Captain's Glory
- Captain's Glory
- Captain's Peril
- Captain's Peril
- Captain's Peril
- Les Captifs de Longjumeau
- La Captive de l'hiver
- The Captive Djinn
- Captive Market
- Captive of the Centaurianess
- Captive Universe
- Captives in Space
- Captives of the Flame
- Captivity
- The Captivity
- The Capture of Tarzan
- The Caravan
- Caravan
- Caravan to Illiel
- Carbon Copy
- Carcassonne
- Carcinoma Angels
- Cardboard Box
- The Cardinal of the Kremlin
- The Cardinal of Waverley Abbey
- Cardinal Pölätüo
- The Cardinal's First Tale
- The Cardinal's Third Tale
- The Career of Nightmares
- The Carefully Considered Rape of the World[. A Novel about the Unspeakable
- Careless Talk
- The Caress
- A Caress of Twilight
- La Caresse de l'aube
- Caretaker
- Caretaker
- Carevna Mymra
- Cargo
- Carhunters of the Concrete Prairie
- The Carl of Carlisle
- The Carl of the Drab Coat
- Carlina's Calling
- Carlton's Father
- Carlucci's Edge
- Carlucci's Heart
- Carmen's Flight
- Carmen's Flight
- Carmilla
- Carnaby's Fish
- Carnacki, the Ghost Finder // William Hope HODGSON
- Carnaval
- Carnaval à Lapêtre
- The Carnelian Cube
- The Carnelian Cube
- The Carnelian Cube
- The Carnelian Cube
- Carnival of Madness
- The Carpenter's Wife: a Capriccio
- The Carpet People
- Le Carrefour des écrasés
- Carrie
- Carrier
- The Carriers
- Carriers
- Carrion Comfort
- Carrion Country
- The Carson Effect
- Carson of Venus
- Carthing
- Cartoonist
- Cartoonist
- Carve the Sky
- Carved in Bone
- Carved in Bone
- Carved in the Flesh
- The Caryatides
- Un Cas de divorce
- Un Cas de doublement
- La casa de Asterión
- La casa del doctor Pétalo
- Casa tomada
- Casablanca
- The Cascade
- Cascade Point
- The Case Against Tomorrow et al. // Frederik POHL
- Case and the Dreamer
- Case and the Dreamer // Theodore STURGEON
- Case de m
- The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
- A Case of Conscience
- The Case of Euphemia Raphash
- The Case of Friendly Corpse
- A Case of Identity
- The Case of Lady Sannox
- The Case of M. Valdemar
- The Case of the Four and Twenty Blackbirds
- The Case of the Nazi Canary
- The Case of the Red-Headed Women
- A Case of the Stubborns
- Casey Agonistes
- The Cash
- Cash Crop
- The Cask of Amontillado
- El caso de la señorita Amelia
- El caso de la viuda negra
- Casper
- The Casque of LaMont T. Yado
- Cassandra
- The Cassini Division
- The Cassiopeia Affair
- The Cassiopeia Affair
- Cassius
- Cast of Shadows
- Cast Off Your Chains
- Castaway
- Castaway
- Castaway
- Castaway
- Castaway
- The Castaways
- Castaways of the Flying Dutchman
- Castaway's World
- El castell dels destins encreuats
- Castelul destinelor încrucisate
- El castillo de las tres murallas
- El castillo de los destinos cruzados
- Casting Longer Shadows
- Casting the Runes
- Casting the Stone
- The Cast-Iron Rat
- The Castle at the World's End
- Castle in the Air
- Castle of Crossed Destinies
- The Castle of Crossed Destinies
- The Castle of Devil
- The Castle of Devil
- The Castle of Iron
- The Castle of Iron
- The Castle of Iron
- The Castle of Iron
- The Castle of Iron
- The Castle of Iron - Regan's Planet // L. Sprague DE CAMP, Fletcher PRATT, Robert SILVERBERG
- The Castle of Kerglas
- The Castle of Leixlip
- The Castle of Llyr
- The Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story
- The Castle of Terror
- The Castle of Terror
- The Castle of Terror
- The Castle of the King
- The Castle of the Laving Ghosts
- The Castle of the Sparrowhawk
- Castle of Wizardry
- Castle Roogna
- Castle Scene with Penitents
- The Castles of Testing
- The Castle's Wolf
- Castleview
- Castor and Pollux
- Cat
- The Cat
- The Cat
- Cat and Mouse
- The Cat and the King
- The Cat and the Skull
- The Cat and the Youth
- Cat Burglar
- The Cat from Hell
- The Cat from Siam
- Cat Got Your Tongue
- Cat Got Your Tongue
- The Cat in the Sea
- The Cat Jumps
- The Cat Lover
- The Cat Man
- The Cat People
- The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
- The Cat Who Walks Through Walls: A Comedy of Manners
- The Cat Woman
- The Cataaaaa
- Le Cataclysme
- The Catacomb
- Catalina
- The Catalyst
- The Catalyst
- The Catalyst
- Cata'r ospier
- A Catastrofe
- Catastrophes! // Isaac ASIMOV, Martin Harry GREENBERG e Charles G. WAUGH (a cura di)
- Catch
- Catch a Falling Star
- Catch 'em All Alive!
- Catch that Martian
- Catch That Zeppelin!
- Catch the Rabbit
- Catch the Sun
- Catch Your Death
- Catching crumbs from the table
- The Cat-Dog
- Category Phoenix
- Category Phoenix
- Caterpillar-Express
- Caterpillars
- Catface
- Catfish Gal Blues
- Cathadonian Odyssey
- The Catharine Wheel
- The Cathedral
- Catholic Hymn
- Cathy's Key
- Cathy's Key
- Catilina's Riddle
- Catmagic
- Catman
- Catnip
- Cato the Martian
- El catoblepas
- El catoblepas
- Catriona's Daughters
- Cat's Cradle
- Cat's Cradle
- The Cats of Pere LaChaise
- The Cats of Seroster
- The Cats of Ulthar
- The Cat's Pajamas
- Catskin
- Catspaw
- The Cat's-Paw
- Catspaws
- Catwings Return
- El caudillo de las manos rojas
- Caught in the Organ Draft
- Caught in the Organ Draft // Isaac ASIMOV, Charles G. WAUGH, Martin H. GREENBERG (a cura di)
- Cauldron
- The Caulfield's Crime
- Cause of Death
- A Causeway
- Caution Sign
- Cautionary Tales
- Cavalerul inexistent
- Cavalier
- El cavaller inexistent
- The Cave
- The Cave in the Forest
- The Cave of Night
- Cavern of the Fear
- A caverna
- La caverna Goloan
- La Caverne aux millions
- La Caverne des Templiers
- La Caverne du futur
- La Caverne du futur - Vingt pas dans l'inconnu // Jimmy GUIEU, F. Richard BESSIERE
- Caverns of Horror
- Caves in Cliffs
- The Caves of Night
- The Caves of Steel
- Caviar // Theodore STURGEON
- The C-Chute
- Ce que savent les morts
- Cease Fire
- Ceci arrivera hier
- Cecilia de Nöel
- Cee[ ]Tee[ ]Man // Dan MORGAN, John BREE
- Cee-Tee Man
- La Ceinture du robot
- The Celebrate No-Hit Inning
- Celebrating
- Celephaïs
- La Céleste Aventure
- The Celestial Blueprint
- The Celestial Omnibus
- The Celestial Rail-road
- The Celestine Prophecy
- Celín
- Cell
- The Cell
- A Cell Opens
- The Cellar
- The Cellar
- Cellmate
- Celovek amfibija
- Celovek, kotorij bil geniem
- Celovek, stavši robotom
- Celovek-oblako
- Celtika: Book One of the Merlin Codex
- Celui-là
- Cement Surroundings
- Cemetery School
- Cemetery World
- Census
- Census Taker
- The Census Takers
- Centaur Aisle
- Le Centaure
- El centauro
- El centauro
- Centaurus Changeling
- Centaurus II
- The Center
- Centigrade 233
- The Centipede's Dilemma
- The Centre
- The Centre of the Circle
- A Centurion of the Thitieth
- Century
- Century of the Manikin
- La cenzurita eksperimento
- Cephalotron
- Cephes 5
- Le Cercle d'or
- Le Cercle Rouge
- The Cerebrative Psittacoid
- The Ceremonies
- The Ceremony
- The Ceres Solution
- Ceres Storm
- Cerise ou le moment bien employé
- A Certain Slant of Light
- The Certificate
- Cërtik
- Certogon
- The Cerulean Storm
- César Cascabel
- Cesarán las lluvias
- Cestitka
- Cestus Dei
- Cetaganda
- Cetire portreta
- Ceux d'ailleurs
- Ceux de nulle part
- Ceux des tableaux
- Chaff
- Chaff
- The Chaffeur
- L'Chaim
- Chain Home, Low
- The Chain of Aforgomon
- The Chain of Destiny
- Chain Reaction
- Chain Reaction
- Chain Reaction
- La Chaîne d'or ou l'amant partagé
- Les Chaines d'Eymerich
- Les chaînes d'Eymerich
- Chainfire
- Chains of Air, Web of Aether
- The Chair
- Chairo no kobin
- Chaka the Zulu
- Chalakim Enoshyyim
- Châli
- The Chalice of Death
- Chalice of Tears, or I Didn't Want That Damned Grail Anyway
- Challenge
- The Challenge from Beyond
- The Challenge from Beyond
- The Challenge from Beyond
- The Challenge from Beyond
- The Challenge from Beyond
- The Chamber of Life
- Chambers [Cap. XIV]
- La Chambre des morts
- Les Chambres
- Chameleon
- Chameleon
- Champavert le Lycantrope. Contes immoraux // Pétrus BOREL
- Champavert, le lycantrope
- The Champion of the World
- Le Champs d'oliviers
- Chance
- Chance
- Le Chancellor
- Le Chancellor. Journal du passager J.-R. Kazallon. Suivi de Martin Paz
- Chances Are
- Chancha con cadenas
- Chancha con cadenas
- Chandira
- Las changas
- Changcheng
- The Change
- Change of Command
- Change of Command
- Change of Life
- A Change of View
- Changeling
- The Changeling
- Changeling
- The Changeling
- The Changeling
- The Changeling
- Changeling
- Changeling
- The Changeling
- Changeling
- The Changeling
- Changeling
- Changeling
- Changeling
- The Changeling Sea
- Changelings
- The Changeover
- The Changing Land
- A Changing of the Guard
- The Changing of the Guard
- The Changing of the Guard
- Ch'ang-kuei yin hu
- Chang-Siu and the Blade of Grass
- Le Chant du Coq
- The Chantry Guild
- Chanur's Homecoming
- Chanur's Legacy
- Chanur's Venture
- Chaos Child
- The Chaos Curse
- The Chaos Fighters
- Chaos in Paradise
- Chaos in Sternenschwarm
- The Chaos Spawn
- Chaos Surfari
- Chaos Surfari
- The Chaos Warrior
- The Chaos Weapon
- Chapàev y pustotà
- The Chaplet
- The Chapter Ends
- A Chapter of Revelation
- Chapter One, the Novel
- Chapterhouse Dune
- Chapterhouse: Dune
- Characters and Viewpoint // Orson Scott CARD
- Chariot Ruts
- Charity Case
- Charles
- Charles et les "autres"
- Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
- Charlie Ashmore's Trail
- Charlie's Angels
- Charlie's Law
- Charmed Life
- The Charnel God
- The Charnel Prince
- Charon
- The Chase
- The Chase of the Golden Plate
- Chase the Morning
- The Chasers
- Chasing Eden
- La Chasse au Météor
- Chasse au renard
- Le Chasseur de chimères
- Les Chasseurs au bord de la nuit
- Chasseurs de vieux
- Chastel
- Le Chat
- Le Château des Carpathes
- Le Château des destins croisés
- Le château des Walkyries
- Château d'If
- Le Château fantôme
- Le Château hanté
- Château Laurier
- Le Château noir
- Chattery Teeth
- La Chauve-souris et le directeur
- Chavi Chori
- Checking Out
- Checkmate
- The Check-Out Princess
- The Cheery Soul
- Chelovek s zolotymi podmyškami
- Le Chemin de France
- Le Chemin des étoiles
- Ch'en Yüeh-shih
- Chernevog
- Cherries
- Cherudek
- The Chess Player
- Chessboard Planet
- Chessboard Planet
- The Chessmen of Mars
- Le Chevalier à l'Epée
- Le Chevalier double
- Le Chevalier inexistant
- Les Chevaliers d'Émeraude, Tome 3, Piège au Royaume del Ombres
- Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde
- Les Chevaliers d'Émeraude, Tome 1, Le feu dans le ciel
- Les Chevaliers d'Émeraude, Tome 2, Les dragons de l'Empereur
- Les Chevaliers du chloroforme
- La Chevelure
- Chevrolet, I Love You
- Chiang-nan Wu sheng
- Chicago
- The Chicago Conversion
- Chickamauga
- Chief
- Chief Dragon of the Island
- Le Chien qui a vu Dieu
- Les Chiennes savantes
- The Chieri's Godchild
- A Child Across the Sky
- Child by Cronos
- The Child Ghost; a Story of the Last Loyalist
- A Child Is Crying
- Child of All Ages
- A Child of Darkness
- A Child of Mind
- Child of Neptune
- Child of Neptune
- Child of Orcus
- Child of Storm [(Mameena)]
- Child of the Gods
- Child of the Green Light
- Child of the Heart
- Child of the Night
- Child of the Northern Spring
- The Child of the Phalanstery
- Child of the Phoenix
- Child of the Prophecy
- Child of the River
- Child of the Stars
- Child of the Sun
- Child of the Sun
- Child of the Winds
- Child of Time
- Child of Time
- Child of Time
- Child of Time
- Child of Time
- Child of Time
- The Child That Went With the Fairies
- Childhood's End
- The Children
- The Children of Asshur
- The Children of Asshur
- Children of Dune
- Children of Fortune
- The Children of Fortune
- The Children of Hamlin
- The Children of Light
- The Children of Llyr
- The Children of Men
- The Children of Night
- The Children of Noah
- Children of the Corn
- Children of the Forest
- Children of the Kingdom
- Children of the Lamp. The Akhenaten Adventure
- Children of the Lamp. The Blue Djinn of Babylon
- Children of the lamp. The Cobra King of Kathmandu
- Children of the Lamp. The Day of the Djinn Warriors
- Children of the Lens
- Children of the Long Night
- Children of the Mind
- Children of the Night
- Children of the Night
- Children of the Night
- The Children of the Pool
- The Children of the Shiny Mountain
- The Children of the State
- Children of the Sun
- Children of the Vampire
- Children of the Zodiac
- Children of Tomorrow
- The Children, They Laugh So Sweetly
- The Children's Crusade
- The Children's Hour
- The Children's Hour
- The Children's Room
- A Child's Christmas in Florida
- A Child's Dream of a Star
- Child's Play
- Child's Play
- Chiliad: A Meditation: A Moment at the River's Heart
- Chiliad: A Meditation: Men and Sin
- Chimäre
- The Chimes [A Goblin Story of Some Bells That Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In]
- The Chimney
- Ch'in mao-jen
- China Mountain Zhang
- The China Syndrome
- China Without Tears: If Chiang Kai-Shek Hadn't Gambled in 1946
- The Chinese Discovery of the New World, 15th Century
- Chinese Puzzle
- Chinese Shadows
- The Chink & the Child
- Chinoiserie
- Chip Runner
- Chitty-chitty-bang-bang. The Magical Car
- Chivalry
- Chocky
- The Choice
- Choice
- A Choice of Dreams
- A Choice of Gods
- Choices
- Choices
- The Choir-master
- Cholin of Carnel
- Cholwell's Chickens
- Choose Your Enemies Carefully
- The Choosing
- La Chose
- Une Chose dans la nuit
- The Chosen Maiden
- The Chosen People
- The Chosen People
- Chosing Sides
- La Choucroute
- Choukra
- Christbaum 2000
- The Christian Serpent
- Christine
- Christine: Segunda opción
- The Christmas Banquet
- A Christmas Carol in Prose
- A Christmas Carol. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas
- Christmas Eve
- The Christmas Eves of Aunt Elise
- A Christmas Game
- The Christmas Ghost
- Christmas in Camelot
- Christmas in Watson Hollow
- The Christmas Kitten
- Christmas Meeting
- Christmas Night
- Christmas on Ganymede
- Christmas Present
- Christmas Reunion
- Christmas Treason
- The Christmas Tree
- Christmas Without Rodney
- Christopher Comes Back
- Christus Apollo
- The Chrome Comanche
- The Chromium Fence
- Chromosome 6
- Le Chronastro
- Chroncorp
- The Chronic Argonauts
- The Chronicler
- Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: Ourcast
- Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: Soul-Eater
- Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: Spirit Walker
- Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: Wolf Brother
- The Chronicles of the Holy Grail // Mike ASHLEY (a cura di)
- [Chronicles of the King's Tramp Book 1:] Walker of Worlds
- [Chronicles of the King's Tramp Book 2:] The End-of-Everything Man
- Chronicles of the King's Tramp Book 3: The Last Human
- The Chronicles of the Round Table // Mike ASHLEY (a cura di)
- Chronicules
- Die Chronik der Unsterblichen - Am Abgrund
- Die Chronik der Unsterblichen. Der Todesstoß
- Die Chronik der Unsterblichen. Der Vampyr
- Chronoclasm
- Chronocules
- Chronopolis
- Die Chrono-Vampire
- The Chrysalids
- Chrysalis
- Chu-bu and Sheemish
- Chuck's Bucket
- Chui Chai
- Chump Change
- Chung Kuo. The Broken Wheel
- Chung Kuo. The Middle Kingdom
- Chung Kuo. The White Mountain
- Chura and Marwe
- The Church in High Street
- La Chute du saint
- Chûte libre
- Chvrciloto
- The Chymist
- The CIA Reporter
- Cibola
- Cicada Queen
- The Cicerones
- El cien cabezas
- El cien cabezas
- El ciervo celestial
- El ciervo celestial
- Cieux couverts
- Cieux sans lunes
- Cil
- Cimetiére de l'effroi
- Le Cimetière de Marlyweek
- Cimmerian Rage
- Cinéterre
- Les Cinq cent millions de la Bégum
- Cinq semaines en ballon. Voyage de découvertes en Afrique par trois Anglais. Rédigé sur les notes du docteur Fergusson
- Le Cinquieme cavalier
- Le Cinquieme cavalier
- Circé
- Circe Has Her Problems
- The Circle
- The Circle Curse
- Circle of Death
- Circle of Light
- Circle of Magic-City by the Sea
- Circle of Magic-City by the Sea
- Circle of Magic-School of Wizardry
- Circle of Magic-School of Wizardry
- Circle of Magic-Tournament and Tower
- Circle of Magic-Tournament and Tower
- The Circle of Zero
- Circles
- La Circonstance exténuante
- Circuit fermé
- The Circular Clew
- Circularization of Condensed Conventional Straight-Lines Word Images Structures
- El círculo
- El circulo se sierra
- Circus Nightmare
- Circus of Damned
- The Circus of Dr. Lao
- A Circus of Hells
- Cirion and Eorl
- Cirque
- Cirque Du Freak
- Cirugía psíchica de extirpación
- The Cistern
- Citadel of Darkness
- Citadel of Lost Ships
- The Citadel of the Autarch
- The Citadel of the Lost Ages
- La Cité de l'or
- La Cité des suicidès
- La Cité des tortures
- La Cité du gouffre
- Cities // Peter CROWTHER (a cura di)
- Cities in Flight // James BLISH
- [Cities in Flight] // James BLISH
- Cities in the Air
- Cities of the Red Night
- Citizen 504
- The Citizen and the Snakes
- Citizen in Space
- Citizen Jell
- Citizen of the Galaxy
- City // Clifford D. SIMAK
- City // Clifford D. SIMAK
- City
- City // Clifford D. SIMAK
- City
- City // Clifford D. SIMAK
- City
- City // Clifford D. SIMAK
- The City
- City
- City // Clifford D. SIMAK
- City // Clifford D. SIMAK
- City
- The City and the Desert
- The City and the Ship
- The City and the Stars
- City at World's End
- City Boy
- City Come A-Walkin'
- A City Divided
- The City Dweller
- The City in the Jewel
- The City in the Sea
- The City in the Sea
- The City in the Sea - Dead Weight // Wilson TUCKER, A. C. TUBB
- City in the Sky
- City Lights, City Nights
- A City Near Centaurus
- City of a Thousand Suns
- City of Angels
- The City of Ember
- The City of Force
- City of Hawks
- City of Illusions
- The City of Mummies
- City of No Return
- The City of Penetrating Light
- The City of Shells
- City of Sorcery
- The City of the Beasts
- City of the Chasch
- The City of the Dead
- «The City of the Dreadful Night»
- The City of the Gone Away
- The City of the Hidden Eyes
- The City of the Hidden Eyes
- The City of the Living Dead
- The City of the Living Dead
- City of the Lost Ones
- City of the Rats
- The City of the Singing Flame
- The City of the Skulls
- The City of the Skulls
- The City of the Skulls
- City of the Tiger
- The City of Towers
- City of Truth
- City on Fire
- City on Fire
- The City on the Edge of Forever
- City On the Moon
- The City That Grew in the Sea
- The City That Loves You
- The City That Was the World
- City Under the Sea
- City Wars
- The City, No Long After
- La ciudad de las bestias
- La ciudad de los suicidas
- La ciudad de oro
- La ciudad del oro
- Las ciudades invisibles
- Ciudòvistce iz Hontyenj
- Les ciutats invisibles
- A Civil Campain
- Civil Disobedience
- A Civil Service Servant
- The Civilization Game
- Civilized
- Civilized
- CivilWarLand in Bad Decline
- Cjornij monah
- The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty
- Clair de Lune
- Claire Lenoir
- El Clan de la Lloba
- The Clan of the Cave Bear
- Clans of the Alphane Moon
- Claredon's Last Test
- Clarissant
- Clarke County, Space
- Clash By Night
- A Clash of Cymbals
- A Clash of Kings
- Class Six Climb
- Classics of the Macabre // Daphne DU MAURIER
- La Clau Gaudí
- La Clau Gaudí
- Claudius Bombarnac
- The Claustrophile
- Claw
- The Claw of the Conciliator
- Claws from the Night
- The Claws of Chaos
- The Claws of Helgedad-5
- The Claws of Helgedad-5
- Clay Suburb
- Clay's Ark
- Clean Break
- A Clean Escape
- Clean Up Your Room!
- Cleaning Up
- The Cleanup
- The Cleanup
- Clear and Present Danger
- Clear as Mud
- A Clear Day in Motor City
- Cleave the Vampire, or, a Gothic Pastoral
- The Cleft
- Cleon the Emperor
- The Clergyman's Confession
- Clerical Error
- Clerical Error
- The Clerks of Domesday
- The Cleverness of Elsie
- Cliffs That Laughed
- The Climacticon
- The Climate of Exile
- The Climbing Wave
- Clingfire
- Clinically Dead
- Clipart
- Le Cliquet
- A Cloack from Messer Lando
- The Cloak
- The Cloak
- The Cloak and the Staff
- Cloak of Aesir
- La Cloche humaine
- The Clock
- The Clock Watcher
- Clocks
- The Clocks of Iraz
- A Clockwork Orange
- The Clone
- The Clone
- Clone
- Clorimonda
- Clorinde
- Close
- Close Behind Him
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- Close Shave
- Close to Critical
- The Closed Door
- The Closed Door
- The Closed Worlds
- The Closed Worlds - Fugitive of the Stars // Edmond HAMILTON
- Closeness
- Closer
- Closer Encounter
- Closet Sade, Story of O, Lolita, Over the Hill
- Closing Time
- Closing Time
- Cloud Atlas
- Cloud Castles
- The Cloud Minders
- The Cloud Minders
- The Cloud of Evil
- The Cloud of Hate
- Cloud of Sparrows
- The Cloud Sculptors of Coral-D
- The Cloud Walker
- Cloudbearer's Shadow
- The Cloudbuilders
- The Cloven Viscount
- Clovis Dartentor
- Clovis on Parental Responsibilities
- The Clowns of God
- Club Dead
- Le Club des Hachichins
- El Club Dumas
- Coagulum
- Coasta Evei
- The Cobra Event
- The Cobweb
- The Cobweb
- The Cobweb
- A Cobweb of Pulsing Veins
- Cocaine Nights
- The Cockatrice Boys
- "Coco, coco, coco frais!"
- Cocoon
- The Cocoon
- Cocoon
- Coda
- Le Code de Perelà
- A Code for Sam
- Code Name: Countdown
- Code Three
- Coelacanths
- Le Cśur cambriolé
- Cśur de gitane
- Co-Existence
- The Coffee Pot
- The Coffin
- The Coffin Upon the Bank
- The Cog
- Cogito ergo sum
- Cognitive Ability and the Light Bulb
- Coils
- Coils
- Coils
- Coils
- Coils
- Coils
- The Coin Collector
- Coincidence
- Coincidence
- The Cold
- Cold as Ice
- Cold Blows the Wind
- The Cold Cage
- The Cold Embrace
- The Cold Equations
- Cold Feet
- Cold Fire
- Cold Friend
- Cold Front
- The Cold Gray God
- The Cold Green Eye
- A Cold Greeting
- Cold Hall
- Cold Hand in Mine // Robert AICKMAN
- Cold House
- Cold in July
- Cold Iron
- Cold Iron
- Cold Light
- The Cold Moons
- The Cold People
- Cold Print
- The Cold Room
- Cold the Fire of Phoenix
- Cold Tom
- Cold War
- Cold War
- Cold War
- Cold War in a Country Garden
- The Cold Wind and the Warm
- A Cold Wind From Orion
- Coldheart Canyon
- La Colère des ténèbres
- The Coliseum
- Collaborating
- Collapsing Cosmoes
- The Collected Ghost Stories of M.R. James // M. R. JAMES
- Collected Short Sories: The Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories; The Eternal Moment and Other Stories // E. M. FORSTER
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick // Philip K. DICK
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick // Philip K. DICK
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick // Philip K. DICK
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick // Philip K. DICK
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick // Philip K. DICK
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick // Philip K. DICK
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick // Philip K. DICK
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick // Philip K. DICK
- Collection Team
- The Collector
- A Collector's Company
- Collector's Fever
- Collector's Item
- Collector's Item
- Collidescope
- Collision
- Collision Course
- Collision Course
- Collision Course
- Collision Course
- Collision Course
- Collision Orbit
- Collision with Chronos
- Colloquy
- The Colloquy of Monos and Una
- The Colomber
- Colombre
- Colonel Chinstrap's Ghost Story
- Colonel P.'s Ghost Story
- Colonel Stone Steel's Genuine Home-Made Truly Egyptian Mummy
- Colonel Sun[: A James Bond Adventure]
- Colonial Survey // Murray LEINSTER
- Colonist of Space - Moon Operation // Charles CARR, L. R. JOHANNIS
- Colonists of Space
- Colonization Book One: Second Contact
- Colonization Book Three: Aftershocks
- Colony
- The Colony
- The Colony That Failed
- Color
- The Color of the Neanderthal Eyes
- The Colorado Kid
- The Colors of Hell
- Colossus
- Colossus
- The Colossus of Ylourgne
- The Colour of Magic
- The Colour Out of Space
- Colours in the Steel
- Colt .24
- Columbiad
- Columbus Was a Dope
- The Columns
- Coma
- Le Combat d'hiver
- Le Combat sous les eaux/La Disparition des forbans
- Combat Team
- Combat Unit
- Combien parions-nous ?
- Come and Get Me
- Come and Go Mad
- Come Back, Dr. Caligari // Donald BARTHELME
- Come Dance with Me in Ireland
- Come Endless Darkness
- Come Figures, Come Shadowes
- Come into My Cellar
- Come into My Parlor
- Come Lady Death
- Come On, Wagon
- Come Then, Mortal. We Will Seek Her Soul
- Come to Fear
- Come to the Fear
- Come to the Party
- Come to Venus Melancholy
- Come, and Bring Costance
- Come, Follow!
- Come, Hunt an Earthman
- The Comedian's Children
- The Comedy of the White Dog
- Comes Now the Power
- The Comet Doom
- Comet Halley
- Comète H-65
- The Cometeers
- Comfort Me, My Robot
- The Comforter
- Comic Inferno
- The Coming
- Coming Attraction
- The Coming Global Superstorm
- The Coming Global Superstorm
- The Coming Global Superstorm
- The Coming Global Superstorm
- Coming Home
- The Coming of Abel Behenna
- A Coming of Age
- Coming of Age in Henson's Tube
- Coming of Age in Karhide[ by Sov Thade Tage em Ereb, of Rer, in Karhide, on Gethen [Gethen]]
- The Coming of Ice
- The Coming of Jonathan Smith
- The Coming of M. Alkerhaus
- The Coming of Mr. Quin
- The Coming of the Goonga
- The Coming of the King
- The Coming of the Light
- Coming of the Quantum Cats
- The Coming of the Sea
- The Coming of the Terrans // Leigh BRACKETT
- The Coming of the White Worm
- The Coming Race
- Coming Soon to a Theater Near You
- Coming to Grief
- Command Performance
- Command Performance
- Command Performance
- Commander-1-"Heineman"
- Commando de transplanation - Asteroid Man // Peter RANDA, R. L. FANTHORPE
- Commando de transplantation
- Commando Raid
- Commencement
- Comment on se brûle la cervelle
- Le Commissaire et la Panthère Verte
- Committe of the Whole
- Common Clay
- Common Denominator
- Common Sense
- Common Time
- The Commonplace Book // Howard Phillips LOVECRAFT
- The Commonwealth of Oceana
- Commune 2000 A.D.
- Communication
- Communion
- Communion
- The Commuter
- Compagnon de voyage
- The Companion
- The Companion
- Companioning
- The Companions
- Companions of the Night
- The Company of Glory
- The Company of Wolves
- The Compass Rose // Ursula K. LE GUIN
- Compassion Circuit
- The Compassionate Physician
- The Compassionate, the Digital
- The Compensation House
- Competition
- Competition
- Competition
- The Compleat Consummators
- The Compleat Traveller in Black // John BRUNNER
- The Compleat Werewolf
- A Complete Collection
- The Complete Father
- The Complete Magnus Ridolph // Jack VANCE
- The Complete Robot // Isaac ASIMOV
- The Complete Robot // Isaac ASIMOV
- The Complete Short Stories // James G. BALLARD
- The Complete Short Stories (vol. II 1963-1968) // James G. BALLARD
- The Complete Stories Vol 2 // Isaac ASIMOV
- The Complete Stories Vol 2 // Isaac ASIMOV
- The Complete Stories Vol 2 // Isaac ASIMOV
- The Complete Stories Vol I // Isaac ASIMOV
- The Complete Stories Vol I // Isaac ASIMOV
- The Complete Stories Vol I // Isaac ASIMOV
- Complete with Ghost
- A Complete Woman
- Completely Authomatic
- Completist Heaven
- Compliments to the Chef
- Composición escrita en un ejemplar de la gesta de Beowulf
- Compounded Interest
- Le Compte
- Compulsory Games
- The Computer Connection
- The Computer Conspiracy
- Computer Cops
- Computer Crimes & Capers // Isaac ASIMOV, Martin H. GREENBERG, Charles WAUGH (a cura di)
- Computer Friendly
- Computer Virus
- Computer World
- The Computer-2118
- Computers Don't Argue
- Computopia
- The Comrade
- The Comsat Angels
- Conan and the Cenotaph
- Conan and the Cenotaph
- Conan and the Cenotaph
- Conan and the Spider God
- Conan and the Spider God
- Conan and the Spider God
- Conan and the Spider God
- Conan and the Spider God
- Conan and the Spider God
- Conan and the Spider God
- The Conan Doyle Stories // Sir Arthur Conan DOYLE
- Conan Ikuinen
- Conan of Cimmeria // Robert E. HOWARD, [Lin CARTER e L. Sprague DE CAMP]
- Conan of the Isles
- Conan of the Isles
- Conan of the Isles
- Conan of the Isles
- Conan the Adventurer // Robert E. HOWARD
- Conan the Avenger
- Conan the Avenger
- Conan the Avenger
- Conan the Avenger
- Conan the Avenger
- Conan the Avenger
- Conan the Buccaneer
- Conan the Buccaneer
- Conan the Buccaneer
- Conan the Buccaneer
- Conan the Buccaneer
- Conan the Buccaneer
- Conan the Buccaneer
- Conan the Conqueror
- Conan the Freebooter // Robert E. HOWARD
- Conan the Invincible
- Conan the Invincible
- Conan the Liberator
- Conan the Liberator
- Conan the Liberator
- Conan the Rebel
- Conan the Rebel
- Conan the Swordman // L. Sprague DE CAMP, Lin CARTER e Björn NYBERG
- Conan the Usurper // Robert E. HOWARD
- Conan the Victorious
- Conan the Victorious
- Conan the Victorious
- Conan the Wanderer // Robert E. HOWARD, L. Sprague DE CAMP e Lin CARTER
- Conan the Warrior // Robert E. HOWARD, L. Sprague DE CAMP
- Conan! // Robert E. HOWARD, [Lin CARTER e L. Sprague DE CAMP]
- Conan, Man of Destiny
- Conan. The Sword of Skelos
- Conan. The Sword of Skelos
- Concealment
- The Concentration City
- Concepts
- The Conch Bearer
- Le Concile de pierre
- Concrete Island
- The Concrete Jungle
- The Concrete Mixer
- Condemnation
- Condemned to Death
- La condena
- Condillac's Statue, or Wrens in His Head
- Condition of Employement
- Conditionally Human
- The Conditioned Captain
- Conditioned Reflex
- The Cone
- Cones
- A Coney Island of the Mind
- A Confederate Canne and Other Scenarios: How the Civil War Might have Turned Out Differently
- Conférence à quatre
- The Confession
- Confession
- Confession
- Confession
- A Confession Found in a Prison in the Time of Charles the Second [Cap.II]
- Confession of a (Pornographer's) Shroud
- The Confession of Charles Linkworth
- Confessions of a Crap Artist
- Confessions of a Mask. AD 1607
- The Confessions of Ebenezer Scrooge
- Confessor
- Confetti Royale
- Confidence
- Confidence Trick
- The Confusion
- Confusions of Uñi
- Congealing the Ice Trust
- The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party // Robert SILVERBERG
- Congo
- Congo noire
- El Congreso
- Congress and the People
- Conjugal Happiness in the Arms of Morpheus
- La conjuración de las palabras
- The Conjure Man
- Conjure Wife
- Conjure Wife. Burn Witch Burn
- Connaissances utiles et inventions nouvelles
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
- A Connoisseur's Revenge
- Les Conquérants de l'abîme
- Les Conquérants de l'Universe
- The Conqueror
- The Conqueror Worm
- The Conqueror Worm
- Conqueror's Isle
- Conquest
- Conquest by Default
- Conquest Denied: The Premature Death of Alexander the Great
- Conquest of Life
- The Conquest of Space // L. Ron HUBBARD
- The Conquest of Space Series // L. Ron HUBBARD
- Conquest of the Moon
- The Conquest of the Moon Pool
- Conquest of the Space Sea
- Conquest of the Stars
- A Conquest of Two Worlds
- The Conquest Touch
- La Conquête d'Almériade
- La Conquête d'Almériade
- La Conquête d'Almériade
- La Conquête de l'île/Les Traces de sang
- La Conquête de Minerve
- La conquista de la luna
- Conroy's Public
- Consanguinity
- Conscience
- Conscience Interplanetary // Joseph GREEN
- Conscience Interplanetary
- The Conscience of the King
- The Conscientious Official
- The Consequences of Buying Maria Montez for Dad
- Consider Her Ways
- Consider Phlebas
- The Considerate Hosts
- Consolation of Age
- A Consolatory Tale
- The Consort
- The Conspiracy
- Conspiracy of Calaspia - Book One of the Insanity Sags
- A Conspiracy of Tall Men
- Constancia
- Constant Fire
- Constant Reader
- Consternation & Empire
- Construct
- Construct
- Construction Shack
- Contact
- Contact
- Contact High
- Contact!
- Contagion
- The Contagion
- Contagion
- Conte de Noël
- Contents of Dead Man's Pockets,
- Contes cruels // Jean-Marie-Philippe-Auguste-Mathias de VILLIERS DE L'ISLE-ADAM
- Contes cruels // Jean-Marie-Philippe-Auguste-Mathias de VILLIERS DE L'ISLE-ADAM
- Contes cruels // Jean-Marie-Philippe-Auguste-Mathias de VILLIERS DE L'ISLE-ADAM
- Contes cruels // Jean-Marie-Philippe-Auguste-Mathias de VILLIERS DE L'ISLE-ADAM
- Contes de l'absurde. E = mc2 // Pierre BOULLE
- Contes merveilleux // Anatole FRANCE
- The Contest
- The Continent Makers
- The Continent Makers and Other Stories of the Viagens // L. Sprague DE CAMP
- The Continous Katherine Mortenhoe
- Continued On Next Rock
- Continuidad de los parques
- The Contract
- The Contract
- The Contract with the Beast
- Contraption
- La Contre-mine/La Mort prévue
- Control Somnambule
- Controll
- The Convenient Monster
- Convergence
- The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion
- A Conversation with the West Nile Virus
- Converse at Night in Copenhagen
- Conversion
- Conversion
- The Conversion of St Wilfrid
- Converts
- Le Convive de dernières fêtes
- The Cookie Lady
- The Cookie Monster
- Cooking the Books
- Cool Air
- The Cool War
- Cool War
- The Cool War
- The Cool War // Frederik POHL
- The Cool War // Frederik POHL
- The Cool Wing of the Death
- The Coon Rolled Down and Ruptures His Larinks, A Squeezed Novel by Mr. Skunk
- Cooperate or Else
- Co-ordination
- Le Coordonnées de l'amour
- Copenhagen Season
- Cop-Out
- The Copper Bowl
- The Copper Quarter
- The Coppersmith
- Coppola's Dracula
- The Copulation Explosion
- Cor Serpentis
- Cora and the Great Wide World Over There
- Coraline
- Coranda
- The Corbomite Maneuver
- Cordelia's Song
- Cordle to Onion to Carrot
- Corfe Gate
- The Corianis Disaster
- Córka czarownic
- The Corner
- The Corner House
- A Corner in Lightning
- The Corner Shop
- Corona
- Corona
- The Coronation of Mr. Thomas Shap
- Coroner's Inquest
- The Corpe Kills
- Le Corps et le sang d'Eymerich
- The Corpse Downstairs
- The Corpse Rider
- The Corpse that Rose
- Corpus Earthling
- La Correción de los Corderos
- Corrida
- Corridors
- The Corridors of Time
- Corrispondence Course
- Corrosion
- The Corsage
- Corsair
- Le Corsaire et l'américain/L'Eau qui monte
- Le Corsaire Sous-Marin
- The Corsican Ordeal of Miss X
- Corstophine
- La corza blanca
- Cosas de vieja
- Cosmic Casanova
- The Cosmic Charge Account
- Cosmic Encounter
- Cosmic Engineers
- Cosmic Erotica // Jean-Marc LIGNY (a cura di)
- Cosmic Exodus
- The Cosmic Eye
- The Cosmic Flame
- The Cosmic Gall
- Cosmic Hotfoot
- The Cosmic Juggernaut
- Cosmic Kaleidoscope - Tomorrow Lies in Ambush // Bob SHAW
- Cosmic Kaleidoscope - Tomorrow Lies in Ambush // Bob SHAW
- Cosmic Knigths // Isaac ASIMOV, M. H. GREENBERG, C. G. WAUGH (a cura di)
- Cosmic Knot
- Cosmic Manhunt
- The Cosmic Megillah
- The Cosmic Poachers
- The Cosmic Puppets
- The Cosmic Rape
- The Cosmic Relic
- Cosmic!
- Cosmonaut Keep
- Cost of Living
- Costigan's Needle
- Costumbres del alcaucil
- The Cosy Room
- The Cotillon
- The Cottage
- Le Cottage hanté
- The Cottage of Eternity
- Le Cou blanc
- Couching at the Door
- The Coud Minders
- La Couleuvrine
- Counsels, Councils and Consuls
- Count Dracula
- The Count Draculas Vengeance
- Count Karlstein
- Count Magnus
- The Count of Monte Cristo
- Count Szolnok's Robot
- Count the Clock That Tells the Time
- Count Zero
- Count-Down
- Counter Charm
- Counter Couture
- Counter Security
- Counter-Clock World
- Counterfeit World
- The Counterkill
- Counter-Psych
- The Countess of Belvedere
- The Countess of Devil
- Counting Cats in Zanzibar
- Country Doctor
- Country Estate
- Country House
- The Country of the Blind
- The Country of the Kind
- The Country Store
- A Country Tale
- The Country-House of the Dread
- The Coup
- Coup de grace
- The Coup De Grace
- Le coup du téléphone
- La Couronne creuse
- La Couronne de sable
- Course of Empire
- The Course of Logic
- Coursing
- Court Martial
- Court Martial
- The Court of the Celestial Appeal
- La Courte-paille/Les Glaces du pôle
- Courtesy
- The Courtesy of Death
- The Courts of Chaos
- The Courtship of Mr. Lyon
- Courtship Rite
- The Courtyard
- Le Cousin Passeroux
- Cousin Teresa
- Le coût de la vie
- Covekat, koito ickashe da igrae Hamlet
- The Coven
- The Covenant
- The Covenant
- The Covenant
- The Covenant
- The Covenant
- Covenant with the Vampire
- Coventry
- The Cow in the Cellar
- Coyote at the End of History
- Coyote Blue
- Cr[y]stal Singer // Anne McCAFFREY
- Cr[y]stal Singer
- Crab
- The Crack in Space
- A Crack in the Sky
- The Crackpots
- Cradle
- Cradle
- Cradle
- Cradle
- Cradle of Lies
- Craphound
- Crash
- Crash Landing On Iduna
- The Crash of '79
- Crash Site
- Crash the C.A.F. X-IV
- Crash!
- Crashcourse
- Crashing Suns
- Crashing Suns // Edmond HAMILTON
- Crashing Suns // Edmond HAMILTON
- The Crate
- The Crate at Outpost 1
- The Crater
- Crater Lake
- The Crawlers
- The Crawling Chaos
- The Crawling Chaos
- Crawling from the Wreckage
- The Crawling Horror
- The Cray
- Crazed World Construct // Robert SHECKLEY
- Crazy Annaoj
- Crazy Maro
- Crazy Monkey
- Crazy Nell
- Crazy Wolf
- La creación
- The Cream of the Jest
- Created He Them
- La Création
- Creation Myths of the Recently Extint
- Creative Destruction
- The Creator
- The Creator
- Creature
- Creature Comforts
- The Creature from Cleveland Depths
- Creature from the Black Lagoon
- The Creature from the Black Lagoon - The G-Bomb // Vargo STATTEN
- Creature of Light and Darkness
- Creature of the Snows
- The Creature on the Couch
- The Creatures in the House
- Creatures of Apogee
- Creatures of Darkness
- Creatures of Light
- Creatures of Light and Darkness // Roger ZELAZNY
- Creatures of Light and Darkness // Roger ZELAZNY
- Creatures of the Abyss
- The Creatures That Time Forgot
- Creed
- Creed en Dios
- Creep County
- Creep from the Deep
- Creep, Shadow!
- Creep, Shadow, Creep
- Creep, Shadow, Creep!
- Creeper
- Creepers
- The Creeping Shroud
- The Creeping Terror
- Creeps by Night // Dashiell HAMMETT (a cura di)
- Creeps by Night // Dashiell HAMMETT (a cura di)
- The Cremation Fields. 2500 BC
- Crescendo
- The Crew of the Lancing
- Crewe
- Cri de Coeur
- The Crib Circuit
- The Cricket Ball
- The Cricket on the Hearth
- The Cricket on the Hearth
- Crickets
- Un crime à Titan
- The Crime and Glory of Commander Suzdal
- Crime and Punishment
- Crime and Punishment
- Le Crime de Rouletabille
- Le Crime d'Orcival
- A Crime for Llewellyn
- Crime in Rhyme
- The Crime Machine
- Crime Must Have a Stop
- Crime on Mars
- Crime sans assassin
- Crime Without Passion
- Crime Without Passion // Ben HECHT
- Crimen
- Crimes Against Passion
- The Criminal
- A Criminal Act
- Criminal in Utopia
- The Crimson Candle
- The Crimson Chalice
- The Crimson Legion
- The Crimson Parrot
- Crisis 1999
- Crisis 2000
- Crisis in 2140
- Crisis in 2140
- Crisis of the Month
- Crisis on Centaurus
- Crisis on the Planet Krong
- The Cristal Dragon
- El Cristo de la calavera
- The Critic at the Hearth
- Critical Difference
- Critical Mass
- Critical Mass
- Critical Mass
- The Critics
- The Critique of Impure Reason
- The Critters
- Croatan
- Croatoan
- Crocamander Quest
- The Crock of Gold
- The Crock of Gold
- Crocodile on the Sandbank
- Crocotas y leucrocotas
- Crocotas y leucrocotas
- Le Croisement
- Croiset, the Clairvoyant
- La Croisière de l'Astronautic Club
- La Croisière du Gorill-Club
- Crônicas do Mundo Emerso - A garota da Terra do Vento
- Crônicas do Mundo Emerso - A Missão de Senar
- Crónicas do Mundo Emerso - A missão de Sennar
- Crónicas do Mundo Emerso - Nihal da Terra do Vento
- Crônicas do Mundo Emerso - O talismã do poder
- Cronos o Hércules
- Cronos o Hércules
- Crook of the Month
- Crooken Sands
- The Croquet Player
- The Cross in the Moon
- Cross of Fire
- Cross Purposes
- Crossfire
- Crossing
- Crossing the Dark River
- Crossing the Line
- Crossover
- Crossroads in Time - Outside the Universe // Andre NORTON, Edmond HAMILTON
- The Crossroads of Time
- The Cross-Time Engineer
- Crotchet Castle
- Crouch End
- The Crow
- The Crow
- The Crow and the Daylight
- Crow Feathers
- The Crow: City of Angels
- The Crow: Clash by Night
- The Crow: Quoth the Crow
- The Crow: The Lazarus Heart
- The Crowd
- Crowd Control
- A Crowd of Shadow
- Crown of Fire
- Crown of Shadows
- A Crown of Swords
- El cruce
- Crucea de gheata
- The Crucian Pit
- Crucible
- The Crucible of Power
- The Crucible of Time
- The Crucible of Time // John BRUNNER
- Crucifax Autumn: Chapter 18. The Censored Chapter
- Crucifixus Etiam
- The Cruel Equation
- The Cruel Sky
- Crusade
- Crusade
- Crusade
- Crusade to Maxus
- Crusader Damosel
- Crustacean Revenge
- Crux Gammata
- La cruz del diablo
- Una cruza
- Una cruza
- Cry Hope, Cry Fury!
- Cry of the Beast
- The Cry of the Icemark
- Cry of the Tyrant
- Cry Snooker
- Cry Wolf
- Cry Wolf
- Crybaby
- The Cryer of Crystall
- Crying Jag
- The Crying of Lot 49
- Crying Willow
- Cryogenesis
- Cryonic System
- Cryptic
- Cryptonomicon
- Cryptozoic
- Crystal
- The Crystal Casket
- The Crystal Cave
- The Crystal Circe
- The Crystal Circe
- The Crystal Crypt
- The Crystal Cup
- The Crystal Egg
- Crystal Fire
- Crystal Gorge
- Crystal Gorge
- The Crystal Horde
- The Crystal Prison
- The Crystal Prison
- The Crystal Shard
- The Crystal Skull
- Crystal Soldier
- The Crystal Spheres
- The Crystal Sunlight, the Bright Air
- The Crystal World
- The Crystal World // James G. BALLARD
- The Crystal World // James G. BALLARD
- The Crystal World // James G. BALLARD
- The Crystall Crown
- The Crystall Ray
- Crystals
- Csillagok cigánylánya
- Cthulhu 2000[: A Lovecraftian Anthology] // Jim TURNER (a cura di)
- Cthulhu lebt!
- Cto delat?
- Cu eterna novjaro?
- Cuando fui mortal
- Cuando fui mortal // Javier MARÍAS
- Cuando la logica falla, el sistema llama a... Zuk-1
- Cuando se paró la tierra
- Cuando una serpiente...
- Cuba
- Cube from Space
- The Cubes of Higart
- The Cubes of Higart - Une Histoire de la Terre // Louis NAVIRE, Bielt NIUTOLD
- The Cubic City
- Cuchulain of Muirthemne
- Cuckoo
- The Cuckoo Plant
- Cuckoo's Egg
- Cudisce i jazz
- The Cue
- Cuento de Navidad
- Cuento de Noche Buena
- Cuento de Pascuas
- Cuento futuro
- El cuerpo y la sangre de Eymerich
- La cueva de la mora
- Cugel's Saga // Jack VANCE
- Cuibul de Dincolo de Umbra
- Les Cuisines du Sirius
- Cujo
- The Cult of the White Ape
- A Cultural Ghost, or Winthrop's Adventure
- A Cultural Side Effect
- Culture Shock
- The Cup and the Cauldron
- A Cup of Hemlock
- The Cupboard of the Yesterdays
- The Curate and the Stockbroker
- The Curate's Friend
- Curative Telepath
- Curator
- Curdy y la Cámara de los Lores
- The Cure
- The Curfew Tolls
- Les curieux
- Une Curieux bio-point de droît
- Curiosii
- Los curiosos
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- The Curious Case of Henry Dickens
- The Curious Child
- The Curious Computer
- The Curious Consultation
- The Curious Custom of the Turjan Seraad
- A Curious Dream
- Curious Elation
- The Curious Enlightement of Professor Caritat
- A Curious Fragment
- A Curious Haunting
- The Curious Inventions of Mr. H
- Curious Notions: Crosstime Traffic. Book Two
- A Curious Pleasure Excursion
- Curren's Song
- The Current Crop of Ghost Stories
- Current Events
- The Currents of Space
- Curried Cow
- The Curse
- The Curse Castel of Hetcham
- The Curse of Chalion
- The Curse of Frankenstein
- The Curse of Kings
- The Curse of Montezuma
- The Curse of Mummy's Tom
- The Curse of Ra
- The Curse of Tanit
- The Curse of the Catafalques
- The Curse of the Fires and of the Shadows
- The Curse of the Gloamglozer. The Edge Chronicles
- The Curse of the Gloamglozer. The Edge Chronicles
- The Curse of the Golden Skull
- The Curse of the Mhondoro Nkabele
- The Curse of the Monolith
- The Curse of the Monolith
- The Curse of the Monolith
- The Curse of the Pharaos
- Curse of the Romany
- Curse of the Ruby Cross
- The Curse of the Smalls and the Stars
- The Curse of the Wise Woman
- The Curse of Yig
- The Cursed Family
- [Cursed] Be the City
- Custer's Last Jump
- Custer's Last Jump
- The Custodian
- The Custodians
- Custom Build Girl
- Cut Price
- The Cutie
- Cuts
- The Cutter
- Cutting Down
- Cutting Edge // Dennis ETCHISON (a cura di)
- Cutting Edge // Dennis ETCHISON (a cura di)
- Cv
- Cyber Crime
- Cyberella
- Cyberiada // Stanislaw LEM
- Cyber-Killers // Ric ALEXANDER (a cura di)
- The Cybernetic Brains
- Cybernetic Controller
- Cybernetic Controller
- Cybernetic Controller
- Cybernetic Controller - Micro-invasion // A. V. CLARKE, H. K BULMER, F. Richard BESSIERE
- The Cybernetic Immagination in Science Fiction // Patricia S. WARRICK
- Cybernia
- Cybersaur
- Cybo
- Cycle of Fire
- Cyclops
- Cyclops
- Cyclops
- Cydonia
- Cynosure
- Cyprian Overbeck Wells. A Literary Mosaic
- Cyrion // Tanith LEE
- Cyrion in Bronze
- Cyrion in Stone
- Cyrion in Wax
- Cyteen
- Czy pan istnieje, Mr. Johns?
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