Catalogo Sf, Fantasy e Horror, a cura di Ernesto VEGETTI, Pino COTTOGNI ed Ermes BERTONI (Indice Titoli Originali)
Aggiornato al 28/06/2009
- J
- J. C. on the Dude Ranch
- J. H. Obereit Besuch bei den Zeitengeln
- J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement
- J. K. Rowling. The Wizard Behind Harry Potte // Marc SHAPIRO
- J. R. E. Ponsford
- J. R. R. Tolkien (A Biography) // Humphrey CARPENTER
- Ja ubili
- Het jaar 3000. Een droom
- Jääristi
- Jack
- Jack Flint and the Redthorn Sword
- Jack Flint and the Spellbinder's Curse
- Jack in the Box
- Jack of Eagles
- Jack of Shadow
- Jack Straw
- Jack the Bodiless
- The Jackal
- The Jackal of Nar
- Jack-in-the-Box
- Jackpot
- Jackpot
- Jacob Wrestles with the Angel
- Jacob's Hands
- Jacob's Hands
- Jacqueline Ess: Her Will and Testament
- Jacqueline Hyde
- Jacques Barraou, le charpentier
- Jade Blue
- The Jade Man's Eye
- The Jade Man's Eyes
- Jag Kämpar mot Chandra
- Jagd nach dem Leben
- Der Jäger Gracchus
- The Jagged Orbit
- The Jaguar Hunter
- Die Jahre des Wartens
- J'ai tué Alfred Heavenrock
- Jak Erg Samowzbudnik Bladawca pokonal
- Jak je tam nahore?
- Jak Mikromil i Gigacyan ucieczke mglawic wszczeli
- Jak miluje pocítac
- Jak ocalal swiat
- Jäljet lumessa
- Jamboree
- James Lamp
- James P. Crow
- James Pethel
- The Jamesburg Incubus
- The Jameson Satellite
- Jamie and the Vampires
- Jamieson
- Jane Brown's Body
- The Jane Fonda Room
- Jane Fonda's Augmentation Mammoplasty
- Jane Saint's Travails (Part One)
- Janell Johannson's First Exhibit
- The Janfia Tree
- A jangada de pedra
- La Jangada. Huit cents lieues sur l'Amazone
- Janissaries
- Janissaries
- Janissaries III: Storms of Victory
- Janissaries III: Storms of Victory
- Janissaries: Clan and Crown
- Janissaries: Clan and Crown
- Japanese Literary Cocktail
- Jaque doble
- The Jar
- The Jarabon
- El Jardí dels Set Crepuscles
- El jardin de senderos que se bifurcan
- Le Jardin des supplices
- Le Jardin malade
- Jason's Tale
- Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende
- The Jaunt
- Javier, Dying in the Land of Flowers
- Jaws
- Jaws of Darkness
- Jay Score
- Jaycee
- The Jazz Machine
- Je cherche Mr. Pilgrim
- Je le jure
- Je n'ai pas de bouche et il faut que je boive
- Je n'ai pas de bouche et il faut que je boive
- Je suis une légende
- Je suis vivant et vous êtes morts // Emmanuel CARRÈRE
- Je t'aime monstre
- Je te vois
- Je Vais t'ouvrir, mon amour
- Je vous salue, maris
- Je vous salues, Maris...
- A Jealous Alien
- Jealousy Is the Devil
- Jean Duprès
- Jeannette's Hands
- Jebaburba
- J'écris ton nom
- Jeff Beck
- Jeffty Is Five
- Jehla
- Jelna
- Jem. The Making of a Utopia
- Jemmy's Halloween
- Jen erh kuei
- Jennifer Government
- Jennifer's Lover
- Jenny
- The Jeol's Revolt
- Jerry Is a Man
- Jerry Jarvis's Wig
- Jerry Was a Man
- Jerry's Kids Meet Wormboy
- Jersey Villas
- The Jerusalem Man
- Jerusalem's Lot
- Jerusalén - El Caballo de Troya 1
- The Jest of Droom Avista
- The Jest of Warburg Tantavul
- The Jester At Scar
- The Jesting of Arlington Stringham
- Die Jesuitenkirche in G.
- The Jesus Incident
- The Jesus Incident
- Jesus on Mars
- Jesus Video
- La Jetée
- Jetsam
- Jettatura
- La jeune fille de cristal
- La Jeune fille et les deux villes
- Jeune fille flamande étranglée par le Diable
- Jeune fille qui tombe... Tombe
- Les Jeux de l'esprit
- Jeux sans fin
- The Jewel in the Skull
- The Jewel of Bas
- The Jewel of Seven Stars
- Jewel-Bright
- Jewels
- The Jewels in the Forest
- The Jewels of Aptor
- Jewels of Gwahlur
- Jews in Shushan
- The Jia-Sha
- Jigaki
- Jigokuhen
- The Jigsaw Man
- Jihad
- Jikininki
- The Jilting of Jane
- Jim and Irene
- Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13
- Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
- Jimmy Goggles the God
- Jimmy Takes Vanishing Lessons
- La jirafa blanca
- La jirafa sagrada
- Jirel Meets Magic
- Jirel of Joiry // C. L. MOORE
- Jirel of Joiry // C. L. MOORE
- Jiu-Roku-Zakura
- Jizzle // John WYNDHAM
- Jizzle
- Jmenoval se Kulisek
- Job [A Comedy of Justice]
- Job: A Comedy of Justice
- Jobo
- Joc, vengeur du bagne
- La Joconde retrouvée !
- Joelle
- Joen toisella puolen
- Johannes Kreislers, des Kapellmeisters musikalische Leiden
- John Arthington's Escape
- John Barrington Cowles
- John Bartine's Watch
- John Carter and the Giants of Mars
- John Carter and the Giants of Mars
- John Charrington's Wedding
- John Ford's 'Tis Pity She's a Whore
- John Granger
- John Hamilton Llewellyn Ende
- John Jones' Dollar
- John Mortoson's Funeral
- John Silence, Physician Extraordinary // Algernon BLACKWOOD
- John Silence, Physician Extraordinary // Algernon BLACKWOOD
- John Sze's Future
- John Uskglass and the Cumbrian Charcoal Burner
- John, The Knight of the Lion
- Johnny
- Johnny and the Bomb
- Johnny and the Dead
- Johnny Mnemonic
- Johnny Mnemonic
- Johnny TV
- John's Return to Liverpool
- Join Now
- The Joke
- Joke
- Joke
- Joke
- Joker for Hire
- Jokester
- The Jolly Boys
- The Jolly Corner
- Jonah's Mirror
- Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
- The Jones Continuum
- Jongor Fights Back
- Jon's World
- Jordan
- Jorkens Consults a Prophet
- Jorry's Gap
- José Matias
- Josefine die Sängerin
- Josefine die Sängerin oder das Volk der Mäuse
- Le Jouet qui parle
- Le Joueur d'échec
- Le Joueur de flûte d'Electronie
- Un jour des choses terribles...
- Le Jour du Saigneur
- Le Jour où la France a fait faillite
- Le Jour où la France a fait faillite
- Le Journal du Juge
- Le Journal d'une femme de chambre
- Journal d'une ménagère inversé
- Journal of a Leisured Man
- The Journal of Edward Hargood
- The Journal of J. P. Drapeau
- The Journal of Julius Rodman
- The Journal of Professor Van Helsing
- The Journals of Eleanor Druse
- Journée de brouillard
- La Journée d'un journaliste américain en 2890
- Journey
- Journey
- The Journey
- Journey Beyond Tomorrow
- Journey for the Brave
- A Journey from This World to the Next
- A Journey into Darkness
- Journey into Fear
- Journey Into Space
- A Journey Into Space
- Journey Into Space
- Journey Into Space // Charles CHILTON, Ulisse WESTMORE
- Journey Into Space - Last Call from Earth 5 // Charles CHILTON, Robert WHEATER
- Journey Into the Void
- Journey Into the Void
- The Journey of Jones
- Journey to Babel
- Journey to Jupiter
- Journey to the Goat Star
- Journey to the Interior
- Journey to the Underground World
- Journey to Where
- Journey's End
- Journeytime
- Jouvences sur Jules Verne // Michel SERRES
- The Joy Makers
- The Joy Makers // James E. GUNN
- The Joy Makers
- The Joy of Living
- The Joy Ride
- Le Joyau du roi de l'étoile Vega
- Joyleg
- Joyleg
- Joyleg
- Joyleg
- Juan Fariña
- Jubilee's Story
- Judas
- Judas Bomb
- Judas Danced
- Judas Dancing
- Judas Fish
- The Judas Glass
- Judas of Spaceways
- Judas Story
- The Judas Strain
- Judge Dredd
- The Judge House
- Judgement
- Judgement Bell
- Judgement Day
- Judgement Day
- The Judgement of Eve
- Judgement Planet
- The Judging of the Priestess
- The Judgment of Eve
- The Judgment of Eve // Edgar PANGBORN, Walter M. MILLER Jr. e altri
- The Judgment of Eve
- Judgment of Tears
- Judgment of Tears: Anno Dracula 1959
- El juego del ángel
- A Jug of Sirup
- Juggernaut
- Juggernaut
- Le Juif errant
- Le Juif latin
- Juke Doll
- Julemysteriet
- Julhi
- Julia (Full Circe)
- Julian: A Christmas Story
- Julius Caesar and the Werewolf
- July 24, 1970
- The July Ghost
- Jumanji
- Jumbee
- Jumbee and Other Uncanny Tales // Henry S. WHITEHEAD
- La Jument Verte
- Jumping off the Planet
- Jumping the Line
- The Jumpity-Jim
- Jumpman Rule 1: Don't Touch Anything
- Jumpman Rule 2: Don't Even Think about It!
- Jumpman Rule 3: See Rule One!!
- The Jungle
- A Jungle Joke
- The Jungle Rod Kid on the Nod
- Jungle Substitute
- Jungle Tales of Tarzan // Edgar Rice BURROUGHS
- Junior
- Junior Achievement
- Juniper
- Juniper Time
- The Juniper Tree
- Junk
- Junkyard
- Jupiter Doke, Brigadier-General
- Jupiter Five
- The Jupiter Legacy
- The Jupiter Plague
- Jupiter Project
- Jupiter Trap
- Jupiter V
- Jurassic Park
- Jurassic Park
- Jurgen
- A Jury of Its Peers
- Jury-Rig
- Just a Matter of Time
- Just a Touch
- Just Another Perfect Day
- Just Another Vampire Story
- Just Beyond the Grasp
- Just Cause
- Just Curious
- Just Dessert
- Just Desserts
- Just Drive, She Said
- Just Like a Man
- Just Like Old Times
- Just Peace
- Just Peace
- Just Reward
- Just Wait Until You Have Children of Your Own
- Just Waiting
- Justice
- Justice Is Mine
- The Justice of the Elephant
- Justine
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