Catalogo Sf, Fantasy e Horror, a cura di Ernesto VEGETTI, Pino COTTOGNI ed Ermes BERTONI (cronologico per Autore)
Ben HECHT (28 feb. 1893-18 apr. 1964) Rif./1st Pub.
=== 1960 ===in: Un secolo di terrore, AA. VV. 2) Delitto senza passione, tr. Bruno Tasso B1 [Ho] mar 1960, Sugar, Milano [09972] p. 301 ==> 3,4,5,7
=== 1962 ===3/ 2 L'avvocato del diavolo, tr. [Bruno Tasso] B2 [Ho] 1ª r. nov 1962, I Racconti del Terrore 6, Gino Sansoni Editore, Milano [PCA79] p. 83
=== 1967 ===in: Il breviario del brivido, Bruno TASSO (a cura di) 4/ 2 Delitto senza passione, tr. Bruno Tasso B1 [Ho] 2ª r. mag 1967, Week-End 19, Sugar, Milano [PC484] p. 265
=== 1974 ===in: Ellery Queen Presenta Estate Gialla 1974, AA. VV. 5/ 2 Delitto senza passione, tr. Marcella Dalla Torre C1 [Ho] 3ª r. giu 1974, Ellery Queen Presenta, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [EB784] p. 174
=== 1979 ===in: Morte per magia (Whodunit? Houdini?, 1976), Otto PENZLER 6) L'Ombra, tr. Gaetano La Pira B2 [Fy] The Shadow, The Children of the Pool, 1931 giu 1979, Armenia Editore, Milano [PCA11] p. 232
=== 1986 ===7/ 2 Delitto senza passione, tr. Maria Martone B1 [Ho] 4ª r. giu 1986, La Memoria 131, Sellerio Editore, Palermo [04402] p. 9
vedi/see*** HEINE, Heinrich vedi ps/var. --> ps [00000]
Ernst W. HEINE (1936?*) Rif./1st Pub.
=== 1986 ===in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 1) I cacciatori di scimmie, tr. Maria Paola Arena B1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 15
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 2) Quando le pietre parlano, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 43
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 3) Viva la giustizia!, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 51
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 4) Il progettista, tr. Maria Paola Arena A2 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 63
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 5) Gina e Giovanni, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 85
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 6) Il processo, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 91
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 7) Talata, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 97
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 8) Non gettate mai niente!, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 109
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 9) Dio è piccolo, tr. Maria Paola Arena A2 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 119
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 10) Kulu Kulu, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 131
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 11) Ora di volo, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 139
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 12) Il capolavoro, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 147
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 13) Gesù giapponese, tr. Maria Paola Arena A2 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 155
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 14) Morte di un massacratore, tr. Maria Paola Arena A1 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 167
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE 15) L'esperimento del mammut, tr. Maria Paola Arena A2 [Fa] 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 175
in: Kille Kille (Kille Kille, 1983), Ernst W. HEINE *** [Premessa], tr. Maria Paola Arena in 20 apr 1986, Riflessi 36, Edizioni Theoria, Roma-Napoli [04440] p. 13
Heinrich HEINE (13 dic. 1797-17 feb. 1856) Rif./1st Pub.
=== 1888 ===
1) Notti Fiorentine, tr. P. Valabrega, ill. non indicato E2 [Ho] Florentinische Nächte, 1836 mni 1888, Hoepli, Milano [TO001] Trama come Arrigo HEINE p. ?
=== 1994 ===in: Un secolo di fantasmi. 26 racconti da Goethe a Yeats, Lucio D'ARCANGELO (a cura di) 2) Il negatore dei fantasmi, tr. Lucio D'Arcangelo A1 [Ho] mag 1994, Oscar Narrativa 1321, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [07340] ISBN 88-04-38006-3 (978-88-04-38006-1) p. 115
Arthur HEINEMANN Rif./1st Pub.
=== 1978 ===1) In cerca del sogno, tr. Rosella Sanità B2 [SF] The Way to Eden, Star Trek # 5, feb. 1972 ott 1978, Star Trek. La Pista delle Stelle 5, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [02389] con Michael RICHARDS; adatt. James BLISH p. 143
Ciclo/Serie: Star Trek
2) Teatro di battaglia, tr. Amedea Pasinetti B2 [SF] The Savage Curtain, Star Trek # 6, apr. 1972 nov 1978, Star Trek. La Pista delle Stelle 6, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [02432] con Gene RODDENBERRY; adatt. James BLISH p. 5
Ciclo/Serie: Star Trek
=== 1979 ===3) La fontana del tempo, tr. Rosella Sanità B2 [SF] Wink of an Eye, Star Trek # 11, apr. 1975 mag 1979, Star Trek. La Pista delle Stelle 12, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [02741] con Lee CRONIN; adatt. James BLISH p. 40
Ciclo/Serie: Star Trek
Robert A[nson] HEINLEIN (7 lug. 1907-8 mag. 1988) Rif./1st Pub. Premi/Awards
Vai a inizio/Go to Top[Marito di Virginia HEINLEIN dal 1948; Titoli originali e fonti sono stati ricontrollati da Francesco Spreafico] 1974 The Grand Master Award 1998 Hall of Fame inductee === 1952 ===
1) Cadetti dello spazio, tr. Ettore Settanni, ill. [Clifford
N. Geary] E4 [SF] Space Cadet, Scribner's, New York, 1948 8 mar 1952, La Zebra 3, Bompiani, Milano [01157] p. 5 ==> 184![]()
- Space Cadet, Gollancz, London, 1966
- Space Cadet, Scribner's, New York, 1970
- Space Cadet, Ace Books # 77730, 1971
- Space Cadet, New English Library # 2867, 1971
- Space Cadet, Ace Books # 77731, 1973
- Space Cadet, Del Rey Books # 30631, 1982
- Space Cadet, Del Rey Books # 26072, 1978
- Space Cadet, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-00737-5, 1986
- Space Cadet, Del Rey Books # 345-35311-0, 1987
- Space Cadet, Hodder & Stoughton, London, ISBN 0-450-00737-5, 1993
- Space Cadet, Thorndike Press, ISBN 0-7862-5484-X, 2003
- Space Cadet, TOR Books, ISBN 0-7653-1450-9, 2005
- Space Cadet, Orb Books, ISBN 0-7653-1451-7, 2006
2) Il terrore dalla sesta luna, tr. Maria Gallone, ill. [anonimo
sui Romanzi di Urania (dal 4)] E3 [SF] The Puppet Masters, Galaxy, set-nov. 1951 10 dic 1952, I Romanzi di Urania 5, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00004] Trama p. 3 ==> 60,152,211,253,268![]()
- The Puppet Masters, Doubleday, New York, 1951
- The Puppet Masters, SF Book Club, Doubleday, 1953
- The Puppet Masters, Signet Books # 980, 1953
- The Puppet Masters, Signet Books # S1544, 1958
- The Puppet Masters, Signet Books # D2366, 1963
- The Puppet Masters, Signet Books # P2863, 1966
- The Puppet Masters, Pan Science Fiction # 02235, 1974
- The Puppet Masters, Signet Books # 451-Q5694, 1973
- The Puppet Masters, Signet Books # 451-Y6512, 1974
- The Puppet Masters, Signet Books # 451-W7339, 1976
- The Puppet Masters, Pan Science Fiction # 02235, 1977
- The Puppet Masters, Signet Books, ISBN 0-451-13146-0, 1982
- The Puppet Masters, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-33014-5, 1986
- The Puppet Masters, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-33014-5, 1992
- The Puppet Masters, New English Library, ISBN 0-45040578-8, 1993
=== 1953 ===3) Le caverne di Luna City, tr. non indicato, ill. [Belt] B1 [SF] The Black Pits of Luna, The Saturday Evening Post, 10 gen. 1948 1 gen 1953, Urania 3, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00320] p. 121 ==> 103,121,170,196,231,289
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Shasta, Chicag, 1951
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # 943, 1952
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Sidgwick Jackson, London, 1954
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Pan-Books # 377, 1956
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # S1537, 1958
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Digit # R583, 1962
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # D2348, 1963
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # T3193, 1965
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # T3193, 1965
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Pan-Books # X679, 1967
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # T3193, 1970
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Pan Science Fiction # 10679, 1974
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # 451-Y6381, 1975
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # 451-E9264, 1980
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Pan Science Fiction # 10679, 1977
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Rivercity Press, 1978
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, SFBC # 15973-1, 1987
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65608-2, 1987
- The Black Pits of Luna, The Green Hills of Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57853-7, 2000
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [01] [1939-2100] (Heinlein's Future History)
4) Oltre l'orizzonte, tr. Maria Gallone, ill. [Carlo Jacono] E5 [SF] Beyond This Horizon, Astounding SF, apr-mag. 1942 10 mag 1953, I Romanzi di Urania 15, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00013] Trama p. 3 ==> 133,185
- Beyond This Horizon, Fantasy Press, Reading, 1948
- Beyond This Horizon, Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1952
- Beyond This Horizon, Two Complete Science-Adventure Books, inv. 1952
- Beyond This Horizon, Signet Books # S1891, 1960
- Beyond This Horizon, Signet Books # D2539, 1964
- Beyond This Horizon, Panther # 23488, 1967
- Beyond This Horizon, Signet Books # T4211, 1970
- Beyond This Horizon, Signet Books # 451-Q5695, 1973
- Beyond This Horizon, Panther # 58-602348-8, 1975
- Beyond This Horizon, Signet Books # E8966, 1979
- Beyond This Horizon, Signet Books # 451-W7599, 1977
- Beyond This Horizon, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-03289-2, 1985
- Beyond This Horizon, Signet Books, ISBN 0-451-15616-1, 1989
- Beyond This Horizon, New American Library, ISBN 0-451-16676-0, 1997
- Beyond This Horizon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-31836-5, 2001
- Beyond This Horizon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-7434-3561-3, 2002
in appendice a: Perry Mason e la zanzara (The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito, 1943), Erle Stanley GARDNER 5) [La linea della vita](1ª punt.), tr. non indicato B1 [SF] Life-Line, Astounding SF, ago. 1939 5 set 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 240, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0660] p. 115 ==> 203,209,222,245,278,321,324
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Shasta, Chicago, 1950
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Sidgwick Jackson, London, 1952
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # 327, 1955
- Life-Line, The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein, Ace Books # F-375, 1966
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # X227, 1963
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-00431, 1971
- Life-Line, The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein, Ace Books # 91502, 1973
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # Q5341, 1973
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-E7196, 1977
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-J8717, 1979
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-04374-6, 1979
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65623-61987
- Life-Line, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57863-4, 2000
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [01] [1939-2100] (Heinlein's Future History)
in appendice a: Fili rossi (Red Threads, 1940), Rex STOUT 6/ 5 [La linea della vita](2ª punt.), tr. non indicato B1 [SF] 12 set 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 241, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [RV319] p. 109
in appendice a: Fili rossi (Red Threads, 1940), Rex STOUT 7) Fiat Lux, tr. non indicato A2 [SF] "Let There Be Light", Super Science Stories, mag. 1940 12 set 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 241, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [RV319] p. 112
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Shasta, Chicago, 1950
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 847, 1951
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Sidgwick Jackson, London, 1952
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # 327, 1955
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # S1644, 1959
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # D2358, 1963
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # X227, 1963
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # T4307, 1970
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-00431, 1971
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # Q5341, 1973
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-E7196, 1977
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-J8717, 1979
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-04374-6, 1979
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65623-61987
- "Let There Be Light", The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57863-4, 2000
in appendice a: Fili rossi (Red Threads, 1940), Rex STOUT 8) Le strade devono correre(1ª punt.), tr. non indicato C2 [SF] The Roads Must Roll, Astounding SF, giu. 1940 12 set 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 241, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [RV319] p. 124 ==> 86,89,162,165,188,223,279
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Shasta, Chicago, 1950
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 847, 1951
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Sidgwick Jackson, London, 1952
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # 327, 1955
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # S1644, 1959
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # D2358, 1963
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # X227, 1963
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # T4307, 1970
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-00431, 1971
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # Q5341, 1973
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-E7196, 1977
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-J8717, 1979
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-04374-6, 1979
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65623-61987
- The Roads Must Roll, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57863-4, 2000
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [01] [1939-2100] (Heinlein's Future History)
in appendice a: La resa dei conti (Who Killed Aunt Magie?, 1939), Medora FIELD 9/ 8 Le strade devono correre(2ª punt.), tr. non indicato C2 [SF] 19 set 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 242, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0661] p. 113
in appendice a: Caccia alla spia (Killer's Choice, 1950), Wade MILLER 10/ 8 Le strade devono correre(3ª punt.), tr. non indicato C2 [SF] 26 set 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 243, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0662] p. 107
in appendice a: Caccia alla spia (Killer's Choice, 1950), Wade MILLER 11) L'esplosione incombe(1ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] Blowups Happen, Astounding SF, set. 1940 26 set 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 243, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0662] p. 121 ==> 111,129,224,280
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Shasta, Chicago, 1950
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Sidgwick Jackson, London, 1952
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # 327, 1955
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # X227, 1963
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-00431, 1971
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # Q5341, 1973
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-E7196, 1977
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-J8717, 1979
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-04374-6, 1979
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65623-61987
- Blowups Happen, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57863-4, 2000
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [01] [1939-2100] (Heinlein's Future History)
in appendice a: Veleno per uno (Another Man's Poison), Hugh HOLMAN 12/ 11 L'esplosione incombe(2ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 3 ott 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 244, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0663] p. 100
in appendice a: Non è possibile (Dead Men's Plans, 1952), Mignon G. EBERHART 13/ 11 L'esplosione incombe(3ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 10 ott 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 245, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0928] p. 103
in appendice a: Non è possibile (Dead Men's Plans, 1952), Mignon G. EBERHART 14) L'uomo che vendette la Luna(1ª punt.), tr. non indicato D2 [SF] The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Shasta, Chicago, 1950 10 ott 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 245, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0928] p. 108 ==> 146,163,182,225,281
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 847, 1951
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Sidgwick Jackson, London, 1952
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, American Science Fiction (Australia) # 3, lug. 1952
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # 327, 1955
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # S1644, 1959
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # D2358, 1963
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # X227, 1963
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # T4307, 1970
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-00431, 1971
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # Q5341, 1973
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-E7196, 1977
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-J8717, 1979
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-04374-6, 1979
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65623-61987
- The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57863-4, 2000
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [02] D.D. Harriman [1962-?] (Heinlein's Future History: D.D. Harriman)
in appendice a: I quattro cantoni (Prisoner's Base, 1952), Rex STOUT 15/ 14 L'uomo che vendette la Luna(2ª punt.), tr. non indicato D2 [SF] 17 ott 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 246, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [EB286] p. 103
in appendice a: Piazza pulita (Poison in Jest, 1932), John Dickson CARR 16/ 14 L'uomo che vendette la Luna(3ª punt.), tr. non indicato D2 [SF] 24 ott 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 247, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0688] p. 120
in appendice a: Sempre più difficile (Cheer for the Dead, 1947), Eli COLTER 17/ 14 L'uomo che vendette la Luna(4ª punt.), tr. non indicato D2 [SF] 31 ott 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 248, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0664] p. 116
in appendice a: In quattro col morto (The Fourteenth Tump, 1942), Judson PHILIPS 18/ 14 L'uomo che vendette la Luna(5ª punt.), tr. non indicato D2 [SF] 7 nov 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 249, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0694] p. 113
in appendice a: Sinfonia funebre (The Broken Vase, 1941), Rex STOUT 19/ 14 L'uomo che vendette la Luna(6ª punt.), tr. non indicato B2 [SF] 14 nov 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 250, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0689] p. 107
in appendice a: Sinfonia funebre (The Broken Vase, 1941), Rex STOUT 20) Requiem, tr. non indicato B2 [SF] Requiem, Astounding SF, gen. 1940 14 nov 1953, I Gialli Mondadori 250, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [M0689] p. 110 ==> 136,147,164,183,189,228,272,286
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Shasta, Chicago, 1950
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 847, 1951
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Sidgwick Jackson, London, 1952
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # 327, 1955
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # S1644, 1959
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # D2358, 1963
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Pan-Books # X227, 1963
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # T4307, 1970
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-00431, 1971
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # Q5341, 1973
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-E7196, 1977
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet # 451-J8717, 1979
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, New English Library # 450-04374-6, 1979
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65623-61987
- Requiem, The Man Who Sold the Moon, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57863-4, 2000
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [02] D.D. Harriman [1962-?] (Heinlein's Future History: D.D. Harriman)
=== 1954 ===in appendice a: C'era una volta un pianeta..., L. R. JOHANNIS 21) Alla deriva nell'infinito(1ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] Universe, Astounding SF, mag. 1941 20 apr 1954, I Romanzi di Urania 41, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00037] p. 120 ==> 80,275,313,320
- Universe, Dell, New York # 36, 1951
- Universe, Orphans of the Sky, Gollancz, London, 1963
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [03] Hugh Hoyland [2110-2200] (Heinlein's Future History: Hugh Hoyland)
in appendice a: L'atomo infinito (The Infinite Atom, [1949]), John W. jr. CAMPBELL 22/ 21 Alla deriva nell'infinito(2ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 30 apr 1954, I Romanzi di Urania 42, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00038] p. 118
in appendice a: Attentato cosmico (Attentat cosmique, [1953]), Jean Gaston VANDEL 23/ 21 Alla deriva nell'infinito(3ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 10 mag 1954, I Romanzi di Urania 43, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00039] p. 114
in appendice a: Universo in fiamme (La Flame cosmique, [1952]), Vargo STATTEN 24/ 21 Alla deriva nell'infinito(4ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 20 mag 1954, I Romanzi di Urania 44, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00040] p. 112
in appendice a: Signori del tempo (The Time Master[s], [1953]), Wilson TUCKER 25/ 21 Alla deriva nell'infinito(5ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 30 mag 1954, I Romanzi di Urania 45, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00041] p. 116
in appendice a: Sfere di fuoco (Battle on Mercury, [1953]), Erik VAN LHIN 26/ 21 Alla deriva nell'infinito(6ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 10 giu 1954, I Romanzi di Urania 46, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00042] p. 114
=== 1955 ===in appendice a: L'èra della follia (The Syndic, [1953]), Cyril M. KORNBLUTH 27) Astro instabile(1ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] The Year of the Jackpot, Galaxy, mar. 1952, 1959 28 feb 1955, I Romanzi di Urania 72, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00067] come Robert HENLEIN [err. st.] p. 124 ==> 48,97,301
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Gnome Press, Hicksville, 1959
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1962
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1964
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Dobson, London, 1966
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Corgi # 552-07860-3, 1968
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Signet # T4306, 1970
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-Y6383, 1975
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Signet # E8768, 1979
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-11332-8, 1980
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-E9870, 1980
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Aeneon Press, ISBN 0-88411-882-7, 1983
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-5708-6, 1987
- The Year of the Jackpot, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57802-2, 1999
in appendice a: L'astro lebbroso, Franco ENNA 28/ 27 Astro instabile(2ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 10 mar 1955, I Romanzi di Urania 73, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00068] come Robert HENLEIN [err. st.] p. 116
in appendice a: Resurrezione (The Altered Ego, [1954]), Jerry SOHL 29/ 27 Astro instabile(3ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 20 mar 1955, I Romanzi di Urania 74, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00069] come Robert HENLEIN [err. st.] p. 118
in appendice a: Operazione Centauro (Starship Through Space, 1954), Lee CORREY 30/ 27 Astro instabile(4ª punt.), tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 30 mar 1955, I Romanzi di Urania 75, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [02842] come Robert HENLEIN [err. st.] p. 118
31) Accelerazione massima, tr. Tom Arno, ill. [L. Jeva] A2 [SF] Sky Lift, Imagination, nov. 1953, 1959 3 set 1955, Visto Anno IV n. 36, Milano [M0499] p. 2 ==> 59,93
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Gnome Press, Hicksville, 1959
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1962
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1964
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Dobson, London, 1966
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Corgi # 552-07860-3, 1968
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Signet # T4306, 1970
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-Y6383, 1975
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Signet # E8768, 1979
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-11332-8, 1980
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-E9870, 1980
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Aeneon Press, ISBN 0-88411-882-7, 1983
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-5708-6, 1987
- Sky Lift, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57802-2, 1999
=== 1957 ===34) Stella doppia, tr. Francesca D'Amelio, ill. [Gianni Renna] E1 [SF] Double Star, Astounding SF, feb-apr. 1956 dic 1957, I Romanzi del Cosmo 7, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [02811] Trama p. 3 ==> 52,126,317
- Double Star, Doubleday, New York, 1956
- Double Star, SF Book Club, Doubleday, 1956
- Double Star, Signet Books # S1444, 1957
- Double Star, M. Joseph, London, 1958
- Double Star, Panther # 1120, 1960
- Double Star, Signet Books # D2419, 1963
- Double Star, Signet Books # D2419, 1964
- Double Star, Signet Books # P3669, 1966
- Double Star, Panther # 25022, 1968
- Double Star, Signet Books # P3669, 1969
- Double Star, Signet Books # 451-Y6606, 1975
- Double Star, Signet Books # 451-E8905, 451-E8905-7, 1975
- Double Star, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-33013-7, 1986
- Double Star, Gollancz, London, ISBN 0-575-07380-2, 2006
32) Pionieri dello spazio, tr. Hilya Brinis, ill. [A. Marcuzzi
(colore) Cornwell (b.n.)] E1 [SF] Farmer in the Sky, Scribner's, New York, 1950 mni 1957, La Sorgente [I Serie] 5, Casa Editrice La Sorgente, Milano [11445] come Robert HENLEIN [err. st.] p. 9 ==> 160![]()
- Satellite Scout, Boys' Life, ago-nov. 1950
- Farmer in the Sky, Gollancz, London, 1963
- Farmer in the Sky, Pan Books # X713, 1967
- Farmer in the Sky, Dell, New York # 2518, 1968
- Farmer in the Sky, Ballantine Books # 24375, 1975
- Farmer in the Sky, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-32438-2, 1985
- Farmer in the Sky, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-32438-2, 1990
- Farmer in the Sky, Gollancz, London, ISBN 0-575-04783-6, 1990
- Farmer in the Sky, Baen Books, ISBN 978-1-4165-5540-7, 2008
33) Razzo G.2, tr. Paola Franceschini, ill. [A. Marcuzzi] E1 [SF] Rocket Ship Galileo, Scribner's, New York, 1947 mni 1957, La Sorgente [I Serie] 7, Casa Editrice La Sorgente, Milano [02174] sulla copertina e sulla costa come: Razzo G.; esiste una var. con Razzo G. 2 p. 7
- Rocket Ship Galileo, Ace Books # 73330, 1971
- Rocketship Galileo, New English Library # 450-00695-6, 1971
- Rocket Ship Galileo, Ace Books # 73331, 1973
- Rocket Ship Galileo, Scribner's, New York, 1976
- Rocket Ship Galileo, Del Rey Books # 26068, 1977
- Rocket Ship Galileo, Thorndike Press, ISBN 0-7862-4858-0, 2002
- Rocket Ship Galileo, Del Rey Books # 30276, 1981
- Rocket Ship Galileo, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-01237-X, 2004
=== 1958 ===35) Il pianeta rosso, tr. [Hilia Brinis], ill. [A. Drusani
(Arj)] E1 [SF] Red Planet, Scribner's, New York, 1949 mni 1958, La Sorgente [I Serie] 9, Casa Editrice La Sorgente, Milano [11446] p. 9 ==> 158,264![]()
- Red Planet, Scribner's, New York, 1961
- Red Planet, Gollancz, London, 1963
- Red Planet, Scribner's, New York # SL-100, 1964
- Red Planet, Pan Books # X712, 1967
- Red Planet, Pan Science Fiction # 10712, 1973
[3 rist.]![]()
- Red Planet, Ace Books # 71140
- Red Planet, Del Rey Books # 26069, 1977
- Red Planet, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-34039-6, 1991
- Red Planet, Robert Hale, ISBN 0-7090-6801-8, 2001
=== 1959 ===38) La porta sull'estate, tr. Beata Della Frattina, ill. [Carlo
Jacono] E1 [SF] The Door into Summer, Fantasy & Science Fiction, ott-dic. 1956 15 feb 1959, Urania 197, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00181] Trama p. 3 ==> 100,139,208,220e![]()
- The Door into Summer, Doubleday, New York, 1956
- The Door into Summer, SF Book Club, Doubleday, 1956
- The Door into Summer, M. Joseph, London, 1958
- The Door into Summer, Signet Books # S1639, 1959
- The Door into Summer, Panther # 1021, 1960
- The Door into Summer, Signet Books # D2443, 1964
- The Door into Summer, Panther # 25022, 1968
- The Door into Summer, Signet Books # T3750, 1970
- The Door into Summer, Pan Science Fiction # 02516, 1970
- The Door into Summer, Gollancz, London, 1973
- The Door into Summer, Signet Books # 451-Y6396, 1974
- The Door into Summer, Pan Books, 1974
- The Door into Summer, Signet Books # 451-J9628, 1976
- The Door into Summer, Pan Books, 1977
- The Door into Summer, Del Rey Books # 33012, 1986
- The Door into Summer, Del Rey Books, SBN 0-345-33012-9, 1993
- The Door into Summer, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-41399-7, 1997
- The Door into Summer, Gollancz, London, 2000
- The Door into Summer, SFBC # 55803, 2003
in appendice a: La grande paura (La Peur Géante, [1954]), Stefan WUL 39) Ritorno alla vita, tr. non indicato C1 [SF] Coventry, Astounding SF, lug. 1940 15 mar 1959, I Romanzi del Cosmo 24, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00487] p. 92 ==> 56,116,240,297
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Shasta, Chicago, 1953
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # 1194, 1955
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Digit # D235, 1959
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # S1699, 1959
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Gollancz, 1964
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, SF Book Club, Sigdwick and Jackson, 1965
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # D2638, 1965
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Pan-Books # M172, 1966
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # P3563, 1968
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # T4236, 1970
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, New English Library, # 450-01033-3, 1972
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # Q5340, 1973
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # 451-Y6232, 1975
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # 451E8674, 1978
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, New English Library, # 450-03585-9, 1978
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # 451-J9139, 1980
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-04802-0, 1981
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, SFBC, 1981
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Signet # 451-AE1148, 1982
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65589-2, 1986
- Coventry, Misfit, Amereon, ISBN 0-89190-849-8, 1990
- Coventry, Revolt in 2100-Methuselah's Children, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57780-8, 1999
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [01] [1939-2100] (Heinlein's Future History)
in appendice a: L'astronave dispersa (Lost in Space, [1959]), George O. SMITH 40) Rivolta 2100(1ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] If this Goes On..., Astounding SF, feb-mar. 1940, 1953 15 set 1959, I Romanzi del Cosmo 36, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00498] p. 129 ==> 62,115,239,298
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Shasta, Chicago, 1953
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # 1194, 1955
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Digit # D235, 1959
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # S1699, 1959
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Gollancz, 1964
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, SF Book Club, Sigdwick and Jackson, 1965
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # D2638, 1965
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Pan-Books # M172, 1966
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # P3563, 1968
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # T4236, 1970
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, New English Library, # 450-01033-3, 1972
[New English Library]![]()
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # Q5340, 1973
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # 451-Y6232, 1975
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # 451E8674, 1978
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, New English Library, # 450-03585-9, 1978
[New English Library]![]()
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # 451-J9139, 1980
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-04802-0, 1981
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, SFBC, 1981
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Signet # 451-AE1148, 1982
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65589-2, 1986
- If this Goes On..., Revolt in 2100-Methuselah's Children, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57780-8, 1999
- If this Goes On..., Misfit, Amereon, ISBN 0-89190-849-8, 1990
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [01] [1939-2100] (Heinlein's Future History)
in: Homo Domesticus (OMS en Série, [1957]), Stefan WUL 41/ 40 Rivolta 2100(2ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 1 ott 1959, I Romanzi del Cosmo 37, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00499] p. 129
in: Crepuscolo di "Orm" (Newbury in Orm, [1952]), Islwyn WILLIAMS 42/ 40 Rivolta 2100(3ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 15 ott 1959, I Romanzi del Cosmo 38, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00500] p. 129
in appendice a: I fabbricanti di schiavi (A for Anything, [1957]), Damon KNIGHT 43/ 40 Rivolta 2100(4ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 1 nov 1959, I Romanzi del Cosmo 39, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00501] p. 130
in: Le Meraviglie del possibile. Antologia della fantascienza, Sergio SOLMI, Carlo FRUTTERO (a cura di) 47) La casa nuova, tr. Giorgio Monicelli B1 [SF] "...And He Built a Crooked House", Astounding SF, feb. 1941 10 nov 1959, Einaudi, Torino [01205] p. 391 ==> 119,131,202,255,261,305,323
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Gnome Press, Hicksville, 1959
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", 6 x H, Pyramid # G642, 1961
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", 6 x H, Pyramid # F910, 1963
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Dobson, London, 1964
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Penguin # 2510, 1966
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", 6 x H, Pyramid Books # X2023, 1969
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", 6 x H, Pyramid Books # T2471, 1971
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", 6 x H, Pyramid Books # N2822, 1972
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", 6 x H, Pyramid Books # V3635, 1975
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Berkley Books, ISBN 2997-1976-0-425-03052-0EV.
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, New English Library # 450-02886-0,
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Berkley Books ISBN 0-425-06583-9,
- "...And He Built a Crooked House", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Ace Books ISBN 0-441-85457-5,
in appendice a: Agguato nel tempo (Across the Ages, [1941, 1952]), Vargo STATTEN 44/ 40 Rivolta 2100(5ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 15 nov 1959, I Romanzi del Cosmo 40, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00502] p. 129
in appendice a: Il linguaggio di Pao (The Language[s] of Pao, [1957]), Jack VANCE 45/ 40 Rivolta 2100(6ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 15 dic 1959, I Romanzi del Cosmo 41, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00503] p. 129
in appendice a: L'abisso del passato (Lest Darkness Fall, [1941, 1949]), L. Sprague DE CAMP 46/ 40 Rivolta 2100(7ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 30 dic 1959, I Romanzi del Cosmo 42, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00504] p. 89
36) Astronave alla conquista, tr. Michele Lo Buono, ill. [Arj] E1 [SF] Time for the Stars, Scribner's, New York, 1956 mni 1959, La Sorgente [I Serie] 10, Casa Editrice La Sorgente, Milano [07973] p. 9 ==> 161
- Time for the Stars, SF Book Club, Doubleday, 1957
- Time for the Stars, Gollancz, London, 1963
- Time for the Stars, Pan Books # 330-02028-5, 1968
- Time for the Stars, Ace Books # 81125, 1972
- Time for the Stars, Ace Books # 81126, 1975
- Time for the Stars, Scribner's, New York, 1976
- Time for the Stars, Del Rey Books # 26073, 1978
- Time for the Stars, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-684-19211-X, 1987
- Time for the Stars, Scribners & Sons, ISBN 0-684-19211-X, 1990
- Time for the Stars, TOR Books, ISBN 0-7653-1493-2, 2006
- Time for the Stars, Orb Books, ISBN 978-0-7653-1494-9, 2007
37) Il cucciolo spaziale, tr. Hilya Brinis, ill. [Bar] E1 [SF] The Star Beast, Scribner's, New York, 1954 mni 1959, La Sorgente [I Serie] 12, Casa Editrice La Sorgente, Milano [11448] p. 9 ==> 99,159
- Star Lummox, Fantasy & Science Fiction, mag-lug. 1954
- The Star Beast, Ace Books # 78000, 1970
- The Star Beast, Del Rey Books # 26066, 1977
- The Star Beast, New English Library # 450-03856-4, 1978
- The Star Beast, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-35059-6, 1987
- The Star Beast, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-35059-6, 1995
=== 1961 ===in: I filibustieri dello spazio (Raiders de l'espace, [1955]), Michel JANSEN, Jean ERLAND *** Le Verdi Colline della Terra po 21 apr 1961, Fantascienza [9], S.A.I.E., Torino [12285] [testo inglese a fronte] p. 6
in: Il secondo libro della fantascienza, Carlo FRUTTERO, Franco LUCENTINI (a cura di) 48/ 27 L'anno del diagramma, tr. Angelo Ventura C1 [SF] 1ª r. giu 1961, Einaudi, Torino [01347] p. 197
49) Eredità perduta, tr. Gianni Samaja, ill. [anonimo sui
Romanzi del Cosmo (dal 78)] D3 [SF] Lost Legion, Super Science Stories, nov. 1941 31 lug 1961, I Romanzi del Cosmo 80, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00541] Trama p. 3 ==> 49,142,256![]()
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Fantasy Press, Reading, 1953
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Signet # 1161, 1954
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Museum, London, 1954
- Lost Legacy, Lost Legacy, Digit # D386, 1960
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Signet # D2587, 1964
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Signet # P3163, 1967
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Signet # T3968, 1970
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Signet # T3968, 1970
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Signet # Q5618, 1973
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Signet # Y6808, 1975
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Signet # 451-W8443, 1975
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity vol. 2, New English Library # 450-03759-2, 1978
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Signet # 451-J9360, 1980
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65350-4, 1987
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, New English Library # 450-42304-2, 1988
- Lost Legacy, Assignment in Eternity, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57865-0, 2000
50) I figli di Matusalemme, tr. Giacomo Fecarrotta, ill. [Carlo
Jacono] E2 [SF] Methuselah's Children, Astounding SF, lug-set. 1941 13 ago 1961, Urania 262, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [02123] Trama p. 3 ==> 118,157,213,269,310,329![]()
- Methuselah's Children, Gnome Press, Hicksville, 1958
- Methuselah's Children, Signet Books # S1752, 1960
- Methuselah's Children, Signet Books # D2191, 1962
- Methuselah's Children, Gollancz, London, 1963
- Methuselah's Children, SF Book Club, Sigdwick and Jackson, 1964
- Methuselah's Children, Signet Books # D2621, 1965
- Methuselah's Children, Pan Books # X526, 1968
- Methuselah's Children, Signet Books # T4226, 1970
- Methuselah's Children, New English Library # 450-00914-9, 1971
- Methuselah's Children, Signet Books # Y6382, 1975
- Methuselah's Children, Gollancz, London, 1976
- Methuselah's Children, Signet Books # 451-W7591, 1977
- Methuselah's Children, Signet Books # 451-E9875, 1979
- Methuselah's Children, Amereon, ISBN 0-88411-883-5, 1985
- Methuselah's Children, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65597-3, 1986
- Methuselah's Children, New English Library, ISBN 0-45000914-9, 1986
- Methuselah's Children, SFBC # 05800, 1991
- Methuselah's Children, Revolt in 2100-Methuselah's Children, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57780-8, 1999
- Methuselah's Children, Robert Hale, ISBN 0-7090-6799-2, 2002
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [04] Lazarus Long [2136-?] (Heinlein's Future History: Lazarus Long)
51) La tuta spaziale, tr. Maria Todeschini, ill. Renato Silvi
(col.) e Roberto Molino (b.n.) E1 [SF] Have Space Suit... Will Travel, Fantasy & Science Fiction, ago-ott. 1958, 1958 20 set 1961, I Libri del 2000 8, A.M Z., Milano [MT023] Trama p. 7 ==> 61,114![]()
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, Scribner's, New York, 1958
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, DAW Books # 31800, 1970
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, New English Library # 450-00729-4, 1971
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, Ace Books # 31801, 1973
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, Scribner's, New York, 1976
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, Del Rey Books, SBN 0-345-32441-2, 1985
- Have Spacesuit - Will Travel, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-00729-4, 1988
- Have Spacesuit-Will Travel, SFBC # 06425, 1990
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, Del Rey Books, SBN 0-345-32441-2, 1995
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-46107-X, 2003
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, Pocket Books, ISBN 1-4165-0549-0, 2005
- Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, Gollancz, London, ISBN 0-575-07381-0, 2006
=== 1962 ===52/ 34 Stella doppia, tr. Francesca D'Amelio, ill. [Gianni Renna] E1 [SF] 1ª r. gen 1962, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 3, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [AN001] Trama p. 3
in appendice a: La guerra delle macchine (La Guerre des machines, [1959]), Lieutenant KIJÉ 53) Il livello, tr. Paolo Scognamiglio, ill. foto A2 [SF] Water Is for Washing, Argosy, nov. 1947 28 gen 1962, Urania 274, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [07960] p. 130
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Gnome Press, Hicksville, 1959
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1962
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1964
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Dobson, London, 1966
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Corgi # 552-07860-3, 1968
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Signet # T4306, 1970
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-Y6383, 1975
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Signet # E8768, 1979
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-11332-8, 1980
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-E9870, 1980
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Aeneon Press, ISBN 0-88411-882-7, 1983
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-5708-6, 1987
- Water Is for Washing, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57802-2, 1999
54) Fanteria dello spazio, tr. Hilja Brinis, ill. [Carlo Jacono] E2 [SF] Starship Troopers, Putnam, New York, 1959 25 feb 1962, Urania 276, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00251] Trama questa edizione è sensibilmente tagliata e diversa dalle successive edizioni p. 3 ==> 138,191,215,260,267,282,314,378
- Starship Soldier, Fantasy & Science Fiction, ott-nov. 1959
[vers. ridotta]![]()
- Starship Troopers, Four Square Book # 299, 1961
- Starship Troopers, Signet Books # D1987, 1961
- Starship Troopers, Signet Books # D2381, 1963
- Starship Troopers, Berkley Books # S1560, 1968
- Starship Troopers, Berkley Books, ISBN 0-425-06775-0, 1979
- Starship Troopers, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-00573-9, 1982
questa edizione è sensibilmente tagliata e diversa dalle successive edizioni![]()
- Starship Troopers, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-78358-9, 1987
- Starship Troopers, Amereon, 1994
- Starship Troopers, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-78358-9, 1997
- Starship Troopers, G. K. Hall & Company, ISBN 0-7838-0118-1, 1998
- Starship Troopers, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-00573-9, 1998
- Starship Troopers, Rebound by Sagebrush, ISBN 0-7857-8728-3, 1999
- Starship Troopers, Hodder & Stoughton, London, ISBN 0-340-83793-4, 2005
- Starship Troopers, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-01410-0, 2006
55) Waldo o dell'impossibile, tr. L[ella] Pollini E1 [SF] Waldo, Astounding SF, ago. 1942, 1950 15 ago/15 set 1962, Galassia 20, Casa Editrice La Tribuna, Piacenza [00679] Trama p. 3 ==> 180,311
- Waldo: Genius in Orbit, Avon # T261, 1958
in appendice a: Una strana odissea La grande paura (La Peur Géante, [1954]), Ulisse WESTMORE, Stefan WUL 56/ 39 Ritorno alla vita, tr. non indicato C1 [SF] 1ª r. set 1962, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 11, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [10579] p. 92
in: Fantascienza: terrore o verità?, Roberta RAMBELLI, Andrea CANAL (a cura di) 58) Il fiore dell'oblio, tr. Roberta Rambelli B2 [SF] "We Also Walk Dogs", Astounding SF, lug. 1941, 1951 dic 1962, Le Situazioni 6, Silva Editore, Milano [02939] p. 127 ==> 174,198,233,291
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Shasta, Chicag, 1951
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # 943, 1952
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Sidgwick Jackson, London, 1954
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Pan-Books # 377, 1956
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # S1537, 1958
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Digit # R583, 1962
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # D2348, 1963
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # T3193, 1965
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # T3193, 1965
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Pan-Books # X679, 1967
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # T3193, 1970
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Pan Science Fiction # 10679, 1974
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # 451-Y6381, 1975
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Signet # 451-E9264, 1980
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Pan Science Fiction # 10679, 1977
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Rivercity Press, 1978
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, SFBC # 15973-1, 1987
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65608-2, 1987
- "We Also Walk Dogs", The Green Hills of Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57853-7, 2000
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [01] [1939-2100] (Heinlein's Future History)
in: La macchina del tempo (The Glory That Was, [1952] 1960), L. Sprague DE CAMP *** Introduzione in 1 dic 1962, Gli Esploratori dello Spazio. Fantascienza 10, Editrice Romana Periodici, Roma [00454] come R. A. H. p. 5
57) La sesta colonna, tr. L[ella] Pollini E2 [SF] The Day After Tomorrow, Signet Books # 882, 1951 15 dic/15 gen 1962, Galassia 24, Casa Editrice La Tribuna, Piacenza [00683] Trama p. 2 ==> 134,187
- Sixth Column, Astounding SF, gen-mar. 1941
- Sixth Column, Gnome Press, Hicksville, 1949
- The Day After Tomorrow, Signet Books # S1577, 1958
- The Day After Tomorrow, Mayflower, London # A36, 1962
- The Day After Tomorrow, Signet Books # D2649, 1965
- The Day After Tomorrow, Signet Books # T4227, 1970
- The Day After Tomorrow, Signet Books # 451-Y6855, 1974
- The Day After Tomorrow, New English Library # 450-01085-6, 1974
- The Day After Tomorrow, Signet Books # 451-W7756, 1976
- The Day After Tomorrow, Signet Books # 451-AJ2139, 1983
- Sixth Column, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-65374-1, 1988
- Sixth Column, Baen Books, SBN 0-671-72026-0, 1990
- Sixth Column, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57826-X, 1999
- Sixth Column, Amereon, ISBN 0-84881-982-9, 2000
- Sixth Column, Robert Hale, ISBN 0-7090-7140-X, 2003
=== 1963 ===61/ 51 Ho la tuta: viaggerò nello spazio(1ª punt.), tr. non indicato E5 [SF] 1ª r. mar 1963, Fantasia e Fantascienza 4, Editrice Minerva, Milano [00357] p. 109
in appendice a: La voce dell'universo L'astronave dispersa (Les Voix de l'univers, [1956] Lost in Space, [1959]), Jean Gaston VANDEL, George O. SMITH 62/ 40 Rivolta 2100(1ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 1ª r. mar 1963, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 17, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [10583] p. 129
63/ 51 Ho la tuta: viaggerò nello spazio(2ª punt.), tr. non indicato E5 [SF] 1ª r. apr 1963, Fantasia e Fantascienza 5, Editrice Minerva, Milano [00358] p. 91
in appendice a: Homo Domesticus Crepuscolo di "Orm" (OMS en Série, [1957] Newbury in Orm, [1952]), Stefan WUL, Islwyn WILLIAMS 64/ 40 Rivolta 2100(2ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 1ª r. apr 1963, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 18, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [BB069] p. 129
in appendice a: Homo Domesticus Crepuscolo di "Orm" (OMS en Série, [1957] Newbury in Orm, [1952]), Stefan WUL, Islwyn WILLIAMS 65/ 40 Rivolta 2100(3ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 1ª r. apr 1963, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 18, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [BB069] p. 129
in appendice a: Il pianeta dei superstiti (The Sun Saboteurs, [1961]), Damon KNIGHT 59/ 31 Accelerazione "3 g.", tr. Hilja Pini [Brinis] B2 [SF] 1ª r. 21 apr 1963, Urania 306, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00280] p. 108
in appendice a: I fabbricanti di schiavi Agguato nel tempo (A for Anything, [1957] Across the Ages, [1941, 1952]), Damon KNIGHT, Vargo STATTEN 66/ 40 Rivolta 2100(4ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 1ª r. mag 1963, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 19, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [EB543] p. 130
in appendice a: I fabbricanti di schiavi Agguato nel tempo (A for Anything, [1957] Across the Ages, [1941, 1952]), Damon KNIGHT, Vargo STATTEN 67/ 40 Rivolta 2100(5ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 1ª r. mag 1963, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 19, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [EB543] p. 129
in: Universo a sette incognite, Carlo FRUTTERO, Franco LUCENTINI (a cura di) 60/ 2 Il terrore dalla sesta luna, tr. Maria Gallone E3 [SF] 1ª r. giu 1963, Omnibus, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [01538] Cod. 4662 p. 3
68/ 51 Ho la tuta: viaggerò nello spazio(3ª punt.), tr. non indicato E5 [SF] 1ª r. giu 1963, Fantasia e Fantascienza 6, Editrice Minerva, Milano [00359] p. 123
in appendice a: Il linguaggio di Pao L'abisso del passato (The Language[s] of Pao, [1957] Lest Darkness Fall, [1941, 1949]), Jack VANCE, L. Sprague DE CAMP 69/ 40 Rivolta 2100(6ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 1ª r. giu 1963, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 20, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [10584] p. 129
in appendice a: Il linguaggio di Pao L'abisso del passato (The Language[s] of Pao, [1957] Lest Darkness Fall, [1941, 1949]), Jack VANCE, L. Sprague DE CAMP 70/ 40 Rivolta 2100(7ª punt.), tr. non indicato D3 [SF] 1ª r. giu 1963, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 20, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [10584] p. 89
71/ 51 Ho la tuta: viaggerò nello spazio(4ª punt.), tr. non indicato E5 [SF] 1ª r. lug 1963, Fantasia e Fantascienza 7, Editrice Minerva, Milano [00360] p. 110
72/ 51 Ho la tuta: viaggerò nello spazio(5ª punt.), tr. non indicato E5 [SF] 1ª r. ago 1963, Fantasia e Fantascienza 8, Editrice Minerva, Milano [00361] p. 90
73/ 51 Ho la tuta: viaggerò nello spazio(6ª punt.), tr. non indicato E5 [SF] 1ª r. set 1963, Fantasia e Fantascienza 9, Editrice Minerva, Milano [00362] p. 94
74) Una famiglia marziana, tr. Hilya Brinis E2 [SF] Podkayne of Mars, If, nov. 1962-mar. 1963
(3 punt.) 15 dic 1963, Urania 323, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00300] Trama p. 3 ==> 137,212,243,271,283![]()
- Podkayne of Mars, Putnam, New York, 1963
- Podkayne of Mars, Avon # G1211, 1964
- Podkayne of Mars, Avon # S335, 1968
- Podkayne of Mars, Berkley Books # S1791, 1970
- Podkayne of Mars, Berkley Books # N2073, 1971
- Podkayne of Mars, New English Library # 450-02040-1, 1974
- Podkayne of Mars, New English Library # 450-04046-1, 1977
- Podkayne of Mars, New English Library # 450-04076-3, 1978
- Podkayne of Mars, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-67402-X, 1987
- Podkayne of Mars, Ace Books, 1989
- Podkayne of Mars, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-87671-6, 1995
- Podkayne of Mars, Rebound by Sagebrush, ISBN 0-613-01568-1, 1999
- Podkayne of Mars, Robert Hale, ISBN 0-7090-7139-6, 2003
- Podkayne of Mars, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-01298-1, 2005
=== 1964 ===75) Cristoforo Colombo non era mica un gran dritto, tr. L. Tullio,
ill. ritr. Heinlein A2 [SF] Columbus Was a Dope, Startling Stories, mag. 1947, 1959 ott/nov 1964, Pianeta 4, Edizioni LEUP, Firenze [11199] p. 131 ==> 83,87,242,249![]()
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Gnome Press, Hicksville, 1959
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1962
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1964
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Dobson, London, 1966
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Corgi # 552-07860-3, 1968
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Signet # T4306, 1970
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-Y6383, 1975
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Signet # E8768, 1979
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-11332-8, 1980
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-E9870, 1980
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Aeneon Press, ISBN 0-88411-882-7, 1983
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-5708-6, 1987
- Columbus Was a Dope, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57802-2, 1999
77) Cittadino della galassia, tr. Giancarlo Cella E5 [SF] Citizen of the Galaxy, Astounding SF, set-dic. 1957 dic 1964, I Romanzi del Cosmo 161/162, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [00613] Trama p. 3 ==> 98,109,186,262,316
- Citizen of the Galaxy, Scribner's, New York, 1957
- Citizen of the Galaxy, Ace Books # 10600, 1971
- Citizen of the Galaxy, Peacock Book, ISBN 0-14-047071-9, 1972
- Citizen of the Galaxy, Scribner's, New York, 1976
- Citizen of the Galaxy, Scribner's, New York, ISBN 0-684-18818-X, 1985
- Citizen of the Galaxy, Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-34244-5, 1987
- Citizen of the Galaxy, Penguin, ISBN 0-14-005749-8, 1987
- Citizen of the Galaxy, Rebound by Sagebrush, ISBN 0-613-03438-4, 1999
- Citizen of the Galaxy, Pocket Books, ISBN 1-4165-0552-0, 2005
76) Straniero in terra straniera, tr. Lucia Morelli E6 [SF] Stranger in a Strange Land, Putnam, New York, 1961 15 dic 1964, Science Fiction Book Club 2 II serie (11), Casa Editrice La Tribuna, Piacenza [01216] p. 19 ==> 153,221,263,315
- Stranger in a Strange Land, SF Book Club, Doubleday, 1961
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Avon # V2056, 1962
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Four Square Book # 1282, 1965
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Avon # V2191, 1967
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Four Square Book # 2124, 1968
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Berkley Books # N1571, 1968
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Berkley Books # D2202, 1969
- Stranger in a Strange Land, New English Library # 2844, 1970
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Berkley Books, ISBN 0-425-05833-6, 1982
- Stranger in a Strange Land, New English Library, 1982
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Berkley Books, ISBN 0-425-07142-1, 1984
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-79034-8, 1987
- Stranger in a Strange Land, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-00403-1, 1987
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Putnam, New York, ISBN 0-399-13586-3, 1991
[versione integrale]- Stranger in a Strange Land, SF Book Club, Doubleday # 17697, 1991
[versione integrale]![]()
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-78838-6, 1991
[versione integrale]![]()
- Stranger in a Strange Land, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-54742-6, 1992
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Tandem, London, ISBN 0-8085-2087-3, 1999
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Hodder & Stoughton, London, ISBN 0-340-83795-0, 2005
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Hodder, ISBN 978-0-340-93834-8, 2007
=== 1965 ===78) Anonima stregoni, tr. Ludovica Fratus De Balestrini D3 [SF] Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Doubleday, 1950 1 gen 1965, Galassia 49, Casa Editrice La Tribuna, Piacenza [00708] Trama p. 7 ==> 181,304
- The Devil Makes the Law, Unknown, set. 1940
- Magic, Inc., Waldo: Genius in Orbit, Avon # T-261, 1958
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Pyramid # F859, 1963
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Pyramid # X1286, 1966
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Pyramid # X1758, 1968
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Pan Science Fiction # 330-02352-7, 1969
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Signet # T4142, 1970
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Signet # 451-Q5625, 1974
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Signet # 451-Y6380, 1975
- Magic, Inc., Waldo+Magic, Inc # 30-02352-7, Pan Science Fiction # 30-02352-7, 1975
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Signet # 451-E8938, 1979
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Pan Science Fiction # 330-02352-7, 1979
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Del Rey Books, ISBN 0-345-33015-3, 1986, 1986
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., New English Library, ISBN 0-450-39730-0, 1986
- Magic, Inc., Waldo and Magic, Inc., Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-33015-3,1994
in: La leggenda del dio d'oro Eredità perduta (Fiends, [1960] Assignement in Eternity), R. L. FANTHORPE, Robert A. HEINLEIN 79/ 49 Eredità perduta, tr. Gianni Samaja, ill. [anonimo sui Romanzi del
Cosmo (dal 78)] D3 [SF] 1ª r. gen 1965, Cosmo. I Capolavori della fantascienza 39, Ponzoni Editore, Milano [BB058] Trama p. 3
80) Universo E1 [SF] Orphans of the Sky, Gollancz, London, 1963 4 apr 1965, Urania 378, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00898] Trama p. 3 ==> 150,214,275,313,320
- Orphans of the Sky, Putnam, New York, 1964
- Orphans of the Sky, SF Book Club, UK # 85, 1964
- Orphans of the Sky, Signet Books # D2618, 1965
- Orphans of the Sky, Mayflower, London # 6705, 1965
- Orphans of the Sky, Signet Books # P3344, 1968
- Orphans of the Sky, Mayflower, London # 583-11508-X, 1969
- Orphans of the Sky, Signet Books # P3344, 1970
- Orphans of the Sky, Berkley Books # S1908, 1970
- Orphans of the Sky, Panther # 586-04204-0, 1975
- Orphans of the Sky, Panther, ISBN 0-586-04204-0, 1987
- Orphans of the Sky, Gollancz, London, ISBN 0-575-07237-7, 2001
- Orphans of the Sky, Stealth Press, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, ISBN Stealth Press, 2001
- Orphans of the Sky, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-31845-4, 2001
fusione di: 80/ 21 Parte Prima, tr. non indicato C3 [SF] 1ª r. 4 apr 1965, Urania 378, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00898] Trama *** 80) Parte Seconda, tr. Antonangelo Pinna C3 [SF] Common Sense, Astounding SF, ott. 1941, 1963 4 apr 1965, Urania 378, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [00898] Trama *** ==> 275,313,320
- Common Sense, Orphans of the Sky, Gollancz, London,1963
Ciclo/Serie: Storia Futura di Heinlein: [03] Hugh Hoyland [2110-2200] (Heinlein's Future History: Hugh Hoyland)
in: L'ombra del 2000, Carlo FRUTTERO, Franco LUCENTINI (a cura di) 81) Storia di Farnham, tr. [Ginetta Pignolo] E2 [SF] Farnham's Freehold, If, lug, ago, ott. 1964 mag 1965, Omnibus, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano [01516] Cod. 9684 p. 725 ==> 218
- Farnham's Freehold, Putnam, New York, 1964
- Farnham's Freehold, SF Book Club, Doubleday, 1964
- Farnham's Freehold, Signet Books # T2704, 1965
- Farnham's Freehold, Dobson, London, 1965
- Farnham's Freehold, Corgi # FS7577, 1967
- Farnham's Freehold, Signet Books # T2704, 1968
- Farnham's Freehold, Berkley Books # Z1981, 1971
- Farnham's Freehold, Berkley Books # D2905, 1975
- Farnham's Freehold, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-10067-6, 1976
- Farnham's Freehold, Berkley Books, 1979
- Farnham's Freehold, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-11237-2, 1979
- Farnham's Freehold, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-10067-6, 1983
- Farnham's Freehold, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-22834-8, 1989
- Farnham's Freehold, Orbit, Futura Pub., ISBN 1-85723-000-0, 1991
- Farnham's Freehold, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-72206-9, 1994
82) Il mestiere dell'avvoltoio, tr. Luigi Cozzi E2 [Fy] The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Unknown, ott. 1942 1 giu 1965, Galassia 54, Casa Editrice La Tribuna, Piacenza [00713] Trama p. 6 ==> 155,270,312
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Gnome Press, Hicksville,
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, 6 x H, Pyramid # G642, 1961
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, 6 x H, Pyramid # F910, 1963
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Dobson, London, 1964
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Penguin # 2510, 1966
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, 6 x H, Pyramid Books # X2023, 1969
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, 6 x H, Pyramid Books # T2471, 1971
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, 6 x H, Pyramid Books # N2822, 1972
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, 6 x H, Pyramid Books # V3635, 1975
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Berkley Books, ISBN 0-425-03052-0,
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, New English Library #
450-02886-0, 1976![]()
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, New English Library #
450-04798-9, 1980![]()
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Berkley Books ISBN 0-425-06583-9,
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Ace Books ISBN 0-441-85457-5,
in: L'altare a mezzanotte. 50 racconti di fantascienza (Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales, 1963), G[roff] CONKLIN, Isaac ASIMOV (a cura di) 83/ 75 Colombo era uno scemo, tr. Roberta Rambelli A2 [SF] 1ª r. 30 lug 1965, Science Fiction Book Club 5 II serie [16], Casa Editrice La Tribuna, Piacenza [03670] p. 193
in: Fantascienza della crudeltà, Roberta RAMBELLI (a cura di) 84) Tutti i miei fantasmi, tr. Ugo Malaguti B1 [SF] "All You Zombies...", Fantasy & Science Fiction, mar. 1959 set 1965, Tempo Libero 6, Lerici Editori, Milano [01197] p. 75 ==> 94,309
- "All You Zombies...", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Gnome Press, Hicksville, 1959
- "All You Zombies...", 6 x H, Pyramid # G642, 1961
- "All You Zombies...", 6 x H, Pyramid # F910, 1963
- "All You Zombies...", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Dobson, London, 1964
- "All You Zombies...", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Penguin # 2510, 1966
- "All You Zombies...", 6 x H, Pyramid Books # X2023, 1969
- "All You Zombies...", 6 x H, Pyramid Books # T2471, 1971
- "All You Zombies...", 6 x H, Pyramid Books # N2822, 1972
- "All You Zombies...", 6 x H, Pyramid Books # V3635, 1975
- "All You Zombies...", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Berkley Books, ISBN 2997-1976-0-425-03052-0EV.
- "All You Zombies...", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, New English Library # 450-02886-0, 1976
- "All You Zombies...", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Berkley Books ISBN 0-425-06583-9, 1983
- "All You Zombies...", The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Ace Books ISBN 0-441-85457-5, 1989
85) Un gran bel futuro, tr. Gian Luigi Gonano D1 [SF] By His Bootstraps, Astounding SF, ott. 1941 ott 1965, Gamma uno anno primo volume primo, Edizioni Gamma, Milano [00846] p. 5 ==> 156,178,190
- The Time Gate, Race to the Stars, Crest # s245, 1958
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Gnome Press, Hicksville, 1959
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1962
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Signet # D2105, 1964
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Dobson, London, 1966
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Corgi # 552-07860-3, 1968
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Signet # T4306, 1970
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-Y6383, 1975
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Signet # E8768, 1979
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-11332-8, 1980
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Signet # 451-E9870, 1980
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Aeneon Press, ISBN 0-88411-882-7, 1983
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-5708-6, 1987
- By His Bootstraps, The Menace from Earth, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-57802-2, 1999
in: Il grande Dio Auto, Roberta RAMBELLI (a cura di) 86/ 8 Gli ingegneri del traffico, tr. Luigi Cozzi C2 [SF] 1ª r. ott 1965, I Libri dell'Automobile, L'Editrice dell'Automobile, Roma [02730] p. 15
in appendice a: Asfalto, Conrad A. ROBERTS 87/ 75 Colombo era uno scemo, tr. [Roberta Rambelli] A2 [SF] 2ª r. 1 dic 1965, Giallissimo 48, Casa Editrice La Tribuna, Piacenza [D0304] p. ?
=== 1966 ===88) La via della gloria, tr. Roberta Rambelli E6 [SF] Glory Road, Fantasy & Science Fiction, lug-set. 1963 30 gen 1966, Science Fiction Book Club 1 III serie (24), Casa Editrice La Tribuna, Piacenza [01217] p. 15 ==> 166
- Glory Road, Putnam, New York, 1963
- Glory Road, SF Book Club, Doubleday, 1963
- Glory Road, Avon # V2102, 1964
- Glory Road, Four Square Book # 1300, 1965
- Glory Road, Avon # V2102, 1966
[2 rist.]![]()
- Glory Road, Avon # V2202, 1967
- Glory Road, Four Square Book # 2250, 1968
- Glory Road, Berkley Books # N1809, 1970
- Glory Road, New English Library # 450-02951-4, 1976
- Glory Road, New English Library # 450-03972-2, 1978
- Glory Road, Berkley Books, ISBN 0-425-04865-9, 1982
- Glory Road, New English Library, ISBN 0-450-00151-2, 1982
- Glory Road, Ace Books, ISBN 0-441-29401-4, 1988
- Glory Road, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-72167-4, 1993
- Glory Road, Baen Books, ISBN 0-671-87704-6, 1996
- Glory Road, TOR Books, ISBN 0-7653-1221-2, 2004